

Seminole Hard-Bottom Spawning Bass

In south Georgia, the month of March can take on many different faces. One day shows signs of beautiful, spring-like weather. The next day, you will swear we are still in the firm grasp of “Old Man Winter.” All things considered, one thing is for sure: March is a month of change. The days are…

Poling And Trolling For Jackson Crappie

You have spent time outdoors and you know that the best-laid plans can sometimes go to waste. Mother Nature unleashes a downpour, or Old Man Winter puts fishing on the deep freeze. And sometimes, the outboard gremlin can put a kink in your ability to get to your favorite fishing hole. Such was the case…

Gobbling Dynamics

Our early morning attempts to locate a roosted bird had failed. After some walking and calling, Terry Adkins and I moved to a rye strip between two stands of planted pines. It looked like a perfect strutting spot, and we had seen some turkeys in the vicinity just the afternoon before. We staked out my…

“Gillispie Buck” Is Georgia’s Muzzleloader Record

In the December, 2004 issue of GON, outdoor writer Duncan Dobie brought us the story and mystery surrounding the Gillespie buck, Georgia’s state-record muzzleloader buck. On November 5, 1978, Bob Gillespie shot an amazing buck in Wilkes County with a CVA .45-caliber muzzleloader he had recently built from a kit. The non-typical rack netted 216…

Jigs, Jugs For Eufaula Crappie And Catfish

When I met fishing-guide Jesse Bowman at the Lakepoint boat ramp, I asked him if we would be trolling, pitching, spooning, or shooting docks for crappie, and I liked his answer. “We’ll do whatever it takes to catch them,” he said. But weather wise, we faced a tough day. We were fishing the day after…

Baiting Bill Introduced In 2005 Legislative Session

In a few weeks, you’ll be chasing a big gobbler around the woods, filling a cooler with slab crappie or scouting your property in anticipation of next deer season. While you go through the routines of your hunting and fishing interests, there are things going on at the state capitol that can seriously impact sportsmen.…

Where Have All The Georgia Deer Gone?

From Randolph County to Elbert County, from the mountains to the coast, the cry from deer hunters is the same: “The deer are all gone.” Adam McGinnis hunts in Jasper County and has noticed a sharp decline in the number of sightings over the past several years. “The deer population is down,” he said. “You…

Winning The Food Plot Weed War

Well, you thought you did everything right. Let’s see, you got that soil test, applied recommended lime and fertilizer, plowed vigorously and prepared a smooth seedbed, inoculated your legumes, carefully broadcast your seed, covered lightly and prayed for rain. OK then, why are you standing here now looking at an ugly patch of weeds choking…

March Trout On The Tallulah River

With the long winter months behind us, it is time to dig the gear out of the basement and clean the reels, air out the waders, and make sure the fly and tackle boxes are well stocked. Stop by your favorite outfitter and make sure you pick up a new fishing license and trout stamp,…

Truck-Buck Scoring Results 2004-05 Season

We knew it was a great buck. We even figured it as a lock to make the Boone & Crockett record book… but 180 4/8? Net!? TYPICAL?! The buck that Tony Lewis of Cordele shot and entered in Week 10 of the contest set a new standard — it’s the highest-scoring typical rack we’ve ever had in…

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