

Howington Striper Breaks Lake Oconee Record

A lake record that some anglers thought would never be broken has been rewritten. The new mark for striped bass at Lake Oconee is now set at 29-lbs., 10oz., which exceeds the previous record by half a pound. Rickey Howington, of Jefferson, is the new record-holder. Rickey had a week off from work, and he…

November Rattlesnake Strikes Deer Hunter

This story is the absolute truth. I have written it because this incident is unusual and it proves two things that most people do not believe: (1) Rattlesnakes will strike before they rattle. (2) Snakes will come out of their dens anytime of the year if the weather is warm enough. My ordeal occurred last…

Abe Northcutt’s 1958 Jones County Giant Buck

What does Mr. Abe A. Northcutt, of Eatonton, have in common with the late, great Fred Bear? For starters, at a spry 80 years of age, “Mr. Abe,” as his friends fondly call him, is an avid whitetail hunter who has been chasing Piedmont bucks for nearly 40 years. Mr. Abe started hunting deer in…

Tom Duncan’s Dooly County Redhawk Buck

For good luck, just rub up against Tom Duncan, of Lawrenceville. Tom, 34, has accomplished more in his short hunting career than most deer hunters could ever dream of. Tom runs a wholesale furniture warehouse in Tucker. He as lived in Georgia since 1974 when his family moved to Albany, where Torn went to Albany…

Tommy Johnson’s Tift County Typical Giant

During the 1993-94 Georgia deer season, Dodge and Telfair were the only counties to place deer in B&C’s all-time record book, however, one other buck, taken on Dec. 5, 1993 in Tift County by Tommy Johnson, came awfully close. Tommy’s buck, an awesome 12-pointer with 25-inch beams and 13 1/2-inch back tines, had an outstanding…

Craig Walker’s Telfair County Record-Book Buck

The week before Paul Smith took the best Georgia buck of the 1993-94 season in Dodge County, Craig Walker, of McRae, was hunting a private lease in Telfair County, Dodge’s neighboring county to the east. Actually, Craig had decided to combine a quick scouting and hunting trip before work on the day prior to Thanksgiving.…

Paul Smith’s Dodge County Booner

While growing up, Raul Smith, of Eastman, was always interested in the outdoors and generally enjoyed all types of hunting, from dove and other small game to deer and turkey. Prior to 1993, he deer hunted when the opportunity arose, but it wasn’t a sport he singularly preferred above all others. Last fall, however, Paul’s…

Brown Trout From Hartwell Tailrace Set Lake Russell Record

Tim Harris ought to go fishing more often! On his single trip to the Lake Hartwell trailrace last summer, he caught a trout bigger than anyone else has caught from Lake Russell. On Fourth of July, 1993, then 14-year-old Tim Harris, of Hartwell, went fishing in the tailrace below the Lake Hartwell dam, which is…

Lake Juliette Record Hybrid Bass

Wynoka Moye, of Macon, set a new lake record at Juliette with a 10.17-lb. hybrid that she caught on March 21, 1994.

Lake Burton Record Black Crappie

A 2.70-lb. black crappie set a new lake record for Lake Burton, but it only placed third in Week 1 of the 1994 GON Fishing Contest with a score of 83.1 percent. Tom Cook caught the slab on March 7. The GON Fishing Contest had weekly winners, with each species of fish having a benchmark…

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