

Hound Hunts For WMA Bobcats & Foxes

Joe Hester says it’s all about hearing the dogs singing and enjoying God’s great outdoors. Joe and his son Haddon or a few close friends will often turn his large pack of tracking dogs loose on the foxes and bobcats on WMAs of middle Georgia just to see the dogs run for hours. They are…

Post-Rut Georgia Bucks In December

The two biggest bucks that I’ve taken in the state of Georgia were killed in the month of December. After more than 40 years of deer hunting in Georgia, these two bucks stand out as not only my personal best, but the fact they were not taken during the November rut but during the chill…

The Sable Bucks Of Black Bog Swamp – The Conclusion

“You call me Harley,” Harley Anderson told Cougar. “Looks like you’re doin’ a fine job on rebuildin’ this blind for your aunt. She’ll be pleased. When you’re finished here, I ’spose she’ll put you to work lookin’ for her lost gold.” “You know about that, too?” “Everybody down here knows about Victoria’s gold, young man.”…

Georgia Spy Cam – December 2023

Email pictures to [email protected], and please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.          

Trap Prep: From Box To Dirt

If only you could open that box of traps from the UPS man and have them ready to deploy for duty in the dirt. In a phrase coined by a wise man many years ago, “it just don’t work that way.” To be successful in trapping coyotes, foxes and bobcats using foot-hold traps, there are…

Electronic Edge For Lake Lanier Winter Ditch-Pattern Bass

Everyone has heard about the good winter ditch bite at Lake Lanier, but how do you locate those fish and catch them?  James Harmon, known as “Lanier Jim,” or LJ for short, has spent years learning to read electronics and using them to catch Lanier bass, and his tips will help you. In 2012, I…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – December 2023

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. The following account is provided from DNR LED. Coweta County: One of the biggest bucks ever killed in Coweta County was confiscated…

The Race Is On

Familiar with the term, “skinnin’ it back?” If not, thing for you to do is—as my little Ma used to say—“Pay ‘tainchun!” In my home county of Dodge, there’s a certain strip of highway—which shall remain uncharted for our purposes here. One tops a hill, then motors in a dead straight line to the top…

Realtree Kids: December 2023

Defining Success

Resilience. The ability to come back and keep trying despite achieving success. Can you think about a time in your life when you failed at something but kept trying? Maybe at school, sports or something that you were just trying to learn. Perhaps it was even a hunting situation, and possibly this even happened to…

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