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So, you deer hunters all cozy these days up in your highfalutin’ stands? Well, good. You got it made: ease into the woods, take a couple minutes to climb a ways, snuggle in, make yourself good and comfortable, load the cannon, a 32-pointer walks by… No sweat. But let’s go back a couple of months.…
I’m proud of my beagles. They run their little hearts out, and they allow me to kill plenty of rabbits every year. All-in-all, they run real good. Reality check! On October 15 I covered a Mid-Georgia Beagle Club field trial in Jackson, and I saw some excellent hounds compete in a day full of exciting,…
Blame it on the south Georgia heat and bugs, blame it on how tough bowhunting can be, or, like some of those who attended the hunts, blame it on a simple lack of deer. The first two bowhunts on River Creek, Georgia’s newest WMA, produced zero deer. Both had quotas of 30 — 20 bowhunters…
Editor’s Note: In the October issue this magazine ran an article written by GON Publisher Steve Burch titled, “DNR’s Budget Preference: Close 12 WMAs, Fire Three Wardens, and Hire Three Cooks!” The following is a written response to that article by Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Noel Holcomb. October 13, 2005 Mr. Steve Burch…
On page 38 of this issue you will find a letter from DNR Commissioner Noel Holcomb responding to an article that appeared in the October issue of GON critical of the funding recommendations made by the DNR. When you read the letter, you will notice a personal nature to it. That is a recognition of a…
Play pretend with me for a minute. Imagine terrorists have set off a dirty bomb in Atlanta. From downtown and out east everyone is running, trying to evacuate before the radioactive fallout hits. Law enforcement is tied up trying to control evacuations. Some of the less respectable elements of our society take advantage. Where you…
About this time of year, thoughts of a sagging-bellied, wide-racked mature buck begin to wane for me. My neck starts to hurt from looking up, and my Georgia friends stop answering my phone calls. They know what I’m going to ask, “Seen any ducks?” My passion for duck hunting is fostered from a lineage straight…
It’s funny how a simple smell can take you back to a time and place that has been long stored away in the deepest recesses of your mind. One slight trace of some magical odor, and suddenly you are back in that exact place as if it were yesterday. So it was on opening day…
Chuck McClendon has a passion for fishing. He started off catching bream and bass in small ponds before a fateful day over three decades ago. “A friend of mine took me crappie fishing and started what has become a life-long passion,” Chuck said. Chuck chases crappie in lakes across middle Georgia and for his money,…