The state-record for flathead catfish has been broken. On Thursday, June 22 Carl Sawyer of Screven pulled a monster catfish out of the Altamaha that weighed 83 pounds — smashing the previous record of 67-lbs., 8-ozs. Carl and fishing buddy Ben Poppell of Jesup were camping on a sandbar and catfishing. Thursday evening they were…
Since 1991 Tifton Kiwanis have organized an annual kids fishing event (KFE) with Paradise Public Fishing Area (PFA) located near Tifton between Brookfield and Enigma. Registration began at 7:30 a.m. on June 10, 2006 as children 15 years and younger gathered with families to experience a good, fun, outdoor adventure. Event chairs Alfonzo McCalley, Mike…
The lightning on the horizon leaving the area brought a big sigh of relief. Each bolt illuminated the dark, ominous clouds that were moving rapidly toward the east. Although the severe weather that pelted the area had just passed, rain was still in the forecast. These were the conditions that greeted Randy Dover, Scott Edwards…
What if I told you that right here in Georgia you can almost be guaranteed a 10-lb. fish every time you go fishing. After you say “yeah, right” the next thing I might tell you is while not guaranteed, a 20-pounder ought to come every couple of trips, and at least once every season you…
Bass fisherman Dennis Smith has decided that there is something to all the hype around bass fishing with a frog. “I swore I wouldn’t use it,” he said. “But people were bringing in big bags of fish caught on the frog. “My friend John Brady and I were fishing together and he was catching fish…
For a deer hunter, there are few feelings as low as when a blood trail begins to peter out, and then the next drop can’t be found. It’s even more gut wrenching when a hunter dedicates 18 hours of intense effort, including two different tracking dogs, only to finally have to give up the search.…
Last summer when a gator permit arrived in the mailbox, a great, grand adventure was hatched. An endless night doing battle with a 10-foot beast fully capable of causing significant damage… and we’re now wise enough to understand that alligator hunting should not be a casual endeavor. If you’d like to read about that adventure,…
Temperatures soared well into the 90s during the last HD Marine tournament of the 2006 season, but it didn’t hurt the bite for first-place finishers Brad Warfield and Jeff Morgan. The team found fish shallow for the two-day event, which was held June 10-11. On day one the team fished for some topwater fish they’d…
As a kid growing up in western Maryland, one of my favorite summer events was floating the Potomac River in a canoe with my dad, camping on islands in the river, and catching smallmouth bass, red- breast sunfish, and rock bass. When I moved to south Georgia over a decade ago, I figured my days…
Berry’s tournament trail came to a close this weekend after a two-day event. Qualifying anglers fished Saturday on Oconee and Sunday at Sinclair. This year’s Classic winners were Jack Brown and Terry Adams. “The fish at Oconee have moved out deep,” said Terry Adams. “We caught them in the main lake, but the fish weren’t…