Letters To The Editor – August 2018
Reader Contributed | August 9, 2018
GON Trapping Articles Continue To Save More Deer And Turkey
Dear GON,
First and foremost, I want to thank you again for all GON does for the outdoorsmen of Georgia like me and for promoting avenues to address the growing coyote problem Georgia is facing.
The Coyote Trapping 101, etc. articles you ran initiated my interest in learning to trap coyotes. I ran right out and purchased six traps from F&T, and ever since then, I have been trying my best to learn the art of trapping. I have enjoyed reading all of the GON articles on coyotes and have been trying to learn all I can through all available resources.
YouTube videos have been my second most educational resource. Trapping has proven to be quite a challenge, and the occasional encounter with an experienced trapper repeatedly reveals that they are reluctant to share their knowledge. So GON is a big help!
I finally caught my first coyote on April 11, 2018. What a reward for all of the fine tuning and hard work.
Trapping has become quite an exciting, yet challenging new hobby of mine.
Tom Smith, Oakwood
Editor’s Note: Congrats, Tom! The articles Tom is referencing are on Love the GON hat!
Don’t Be A Bad Apple That Can Hurt The Image Of Sportsmen
Dear GON,
On the day before Easter I found all these carp and gar that had been shot the night before by some bowfishermen and left on a bank in Fishing Creek on Clarks Hill Lake. I don’t know about everyone, but I was raised and taught not to kill anything unless I had a use for it. Apparently whoever did this was not raised that way.
People do eat carp and gar, and they can be used for fertilizer in a garden. Hopefully everyone will think about that and not just go kill something for sport and then throw it up on a public bank for others to see.
Bill Hood, Elberton
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