
Letters To The Editor: December 2016

Reader Contributed | December 1, 2016

Giving A Helping Hand At Piedmont NWR

Dear GON,

In the October GON, I saw the article about the wheelchair hunt that was going to happen at Piedmont NWR. I saw they needed volunteers, so I contacted their office and signed up.

What a great experience it was! I was able to get hooked up with one of the participants, Chris Owens, of Atlanta. We were able to scout areas that had been picked out prior to our arrival to identify the best spot. We were able to hunt together out of his ARGO UTV and had a gorgeous spot for the Friday and Saturday hunts. While we were not successful, we had a fun time together and developed a friendship that will last for years to come.

It was easy to see that lots of effort by Carolyn Johnson, the Piedmont NWR staff and other volunteers was needed to make this event the success that it was. Great people, great food and great weather made this hunt a success. One hunter was successful in harvesting a buck during the event.

David Sheppard, Hillsboro

Thumbs Up To Lincoln County Coyote Hunters

Dear GON,

I want to thank the coyote hunters of Lincoln County. I saw four deer opening morning, 13 that afternoon and nine Sunday morning. Sunday morning I had eight deer in the food plot all at the same time, and three were bucks. There were multiple does, each with multiple fawns.

This is the most deer I have seen since the late 80s. I hope it keeps up. I am very grateful for the work the coyote hunters and trappers have done whoever they are. I am hearing less yipping and howling at dusk, so I am confident those hunters have done some thinning. 

Buck-only days have probably helped a little, too!

Travis Burroughs,

GON Social Media

Jamie Standard, of Greensboro, tagged us in this photo of his Greene County 10-pointer.

Kristen Thomas tweeted this to GON on Nov. 12: “Big bucks do exist in south GA… on a WMA at that!” The deer came from Flat Tub WMA.

Jay Greenwood, of Cumming, shared this with GON: “Just wanted to let GON know that my daughter Bryce, 8, killed her very first deer. The doe was shot in Wilkes County. A memory I won’t soon forget.”

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