Truck-Buck Week 7 Results 2019-2020
Final results after Tifton and Madison scoring events. Winner will be contacted.
GON Staff | February 26, 2020
Week 7 (Oct. 26-Nov. 1)
1. Sonny Abercrombie, Crawford County, *171 2/8

Week 7 Winner: Sonny Abercrobmie
2. Caleb Gray, Baldwin County, 149 1/8
3. Brandon Thomas, Barrow County, 145 4/8
4. Jake Revell, Sumter County, 145 1/8
5. Kyle Hooks (b), Thomas County, 144 7/8
6. Bill Calder, Newton County, 142 1/8
7. Randy Robison, Spalding County, 141 6/8
8. Jerome Roberts, Turner County, *156 7/8
9. Shawn Lumsden, Talbot County, *155 7/8
10. James Thrailkill (b), Troup County, 133 2/8
11. Camden Moss (c) (y), Henry County, 130 3/8
12. Steve Waters, Macon County, 129 4/8
13. Cody Yoder (pl), Dooly County, 125 0/8
14. Derek Yoder (b), Macon County, 123 3/8
15. Bobby Knight (b), Putnam County, 122 7/8
16. Cole Dobbs (y), Morgan County, 121 3/8
17. Amanda Kelly (l), Laurens County, 120 4/8
18. Caleb Sanders (y), Greene County, 103 4/8
19. Tucker Robison (y), Spalding County, 72 2/8
Key: (y) youth, (l) ladies, (pl) public-land, (b) bow
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* To compare and rank typicals vs. non-typicals, divide the score into the Boone & Crockett minimums for the B&C all-time record book — 170 for typicals and 195 for non-typicals to get a percentage.
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