
Truck-Buck Week 11 South

GON Staff | March 12, 2015

Week 11 South (Nov. 22-28)

1. Scott McGuinty     Wilcox            160 7/8
2. Lance Yoder (pl)MontezumaBluffs153 6/8
3. Tim Rockett          Irwin            *170 0/8
4. Sam Nelson           Lee               138 6/8
5. Sam Nelson           Lee               135 4/8
6. Luke Addison (y)   Calhoun         131 1/8
7. Steven Hudson     Worth            126 4/8
8. Wendy O’Lear (l)   Lee               125 2/8
9. Lynford Yoder (pl) Ocmulgee     123 0/8
10. Aubrey Brown (y) Turner         121 3/8
11. Cassie Gibbs (l)  Wilcox           114 4/8
12. Hunter Savage (y) Burke         110 3/8

Scott McGuinty

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