
photo of a deer killed by Savanna Davisphoto of a deer killed by Savanna Davisphoto of a deer killed by Savanna Davis

Hunter: Savanna Davis

Points: 13 (8L, 5R)

County: Dooly

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

Savanna Davis from Dooly County, Georgia was hunting with her mom and cousin Clint in a box stand at a food plot they call the meadow on their private land when this giant buck walked out at 5:20 PM. He just came out and crossed right in front of us so fast! We knew he was a shooter just couldn’t get a shot. He went straight back into the woods, her mom grunted at him & hit the can 3 or 4 times to try to get him back out but he just kept going in the woods. We thought the hunt was over until he showed back up a few minutes later to her right side of the box stand in the thick woods! As she propped her rifle out the right side window he was staring straight at us! She aimed, fired & dropped him straight in his tracks! He has 13 points and she turns 13 in two days! We have not seen this buck on camera before he must have been cruising around from the rut! Thankful for this 200-lb. trophy buck! The freezer will be full! Genesis 27:3 Go out into the open country to hunt some wild game for me! ~The Davis Family~
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