
photo of a deer killed by Jordan McDonaldphoto of a deer killed by Jordan McDonaldphoto of a deer killed by Jordan McDonald

Hunter: Jordan McDonald

Points: 11 (6L, 5R)

County: Meriwether

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

Worked hard for this buck as it took 4 all-day sits and a morning hunt to finally catch up with him. I am very thankful that the doe he was chasing all week finally decided to lock down with him and bring him right by me dead broadside at 50 yards. It has been a truly amazing year starting opening afternoon of bow season when my wife Nicole McDonald shot an awesome 12-point. I then followed her up with the buck I was watching for 3 years after 14 sits in a row which was 11 points as well. Only to finish the season off for me with this awesome heavy massed out 11-point! With all 3 ranging in the 140s to low 160s. I can’t wait to already start getting us ready for next season, and try to improve and do even better next year! God has truly blessed us this year, and it took a lot of faith to keep sitting and not giving up!
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