
photo of a deer killed by Jackson Rayphoto of a deer killed by Jackson Rayphoto of a deer killed by Jackson Ray

Hunter: Jackson Ray

Points: 10 (5L, 5R)

County: Berrien

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

We finished working with our show pigs and it was getting late, so I asked if we could go hunting even though it was cutting it close to being to late. I took a shower and we headed to the woods. I had been sitting for around 45 minutes when I heard the buck grunting coming out of the swamp to my left. he was heading into a clear-cut that was just cut over this past spring. There were three does near a feeder out in the clearcut, so I knew that he was probably going to be coming out headed towards them. less than a minute later he stepped out and I got the rifle on him and knocked him down. This is my best buck to date and the best our family has ever taken off the property.
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