
photo of a deer killed by Ganon Goodmanphoto of a deer killed by Ganon Goodmanphoto of a deer killed by Ganon Goodman

Hunter: Ganon Goodman

Points: 10 (5L, 5R)

County: Wilcox

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

This big buck walked out with his head facing the opposite way. My heart rate was way too high so I took a second and waited. Then I told my dad I was ready to shoot it. The deer turned broadside, I raised my gun, looked through my scope and took the shot. I hit it in the shoulder and he ran about 28 yards and dropped. Once I realized this was Big Tex, my older brother had been waiting for, I knew I was in trouble. He was going to be real MAD!! He has just started talking to me again and this may be a sore subject for a very long time!
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