
photo of a deer killed by David Stricklandphoto of a deer killed by David Stricklandphoto of a deer killed by David Strickland

Hunter: David Strickland

Points: 10 (5L, 5R)

County: Grady

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

I had rotator cuff surgery earlier in the month and have not been able to get out. I have been getting pictures of this buck on camera and have been itching to get out. Finally got where I felt like I could safely hunt without injuring myself and could get into stand using just my right arm. Went hunting that morning and saw a young 6-point chasing does but he wasn’t what I was looking for so I just snapped a picture of him. Went to my physical therapy mid-day and came home took care of horses and cows and went back to the stand. Around 4:30 saw a yearling come out of the woods it grazed around and eventually came into the sunflower field that I was overlooking. Shortly later I caught movement to my right and noticed that it was the buck I was interested in coming to where the yearling was. I carefully one handed got my gun up on the sandbag in the window of stand and took the shot. I waited a few minutes and called my son to come help since there would be no way for me to load him myself. He got there some time later and we located him and got loaded up. It was a great hunt for a shortened season due to my surgery. Had been only a couple of times before surgery and only had harvested feral hogs that had come into the field. Glad I decided to give it a shot one armed!
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