
photo of a deer killed by Caroline Westphoto of a deer killed by Caroline Westphoto of a deer killed by Caroline West

Hunter: Caroline West

Points: 12 (6L, 6R)

County: Dooly

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

I have been watching this deer before the start of deer season on our cell cameras. so after I shot my first deer I knew I wanted to shoot "reindeer" next. I woke up and checked my cameras and saw him walk in the direction of the other stand across the road. So I hunted there in hopes he would be in the area. I got in the stand a little before 6:30 and waited till it start getting light out. I watched as the does came to the feeder and I looked down a little alley away straight in front of me and saw a buck about 100 yards from me. I looked in my scope and saw it was him. I waited for him to turn broadside so I could get a good shot but he was chasing a doe so couldn't. I knew he wasn't going to stop so I had to make a noise with my mouth to make him stop in his tracks. I knew once I made the noise I didn't have long to shoot him before he runs off chasing the doe. I took a shot at him and he ran into the woods. My dad and sister came to help and found him 30 yards from where I shot him. I was so happy to finally tag out for the season and shoot "reindeer"!
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