

Hunting Bond Swamp Hogs

If you were one of the lucky hunters who attended the February 14-16, 2002 hog-only quota hunt at Bond Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, there’s a good chance you went home with some pork. Out of 56 hunters, 25 hogs were checked in for a hunter-success rate of 44.6 percent. Bond Swamp, located along the Ocmulgee…

860 Pound Hog Killed In Telfair County

Believe it or not, Adam, Daniel and Tyler Williamson and Ernest Padgett caught this 860-lb. feral hog alive in Telfair County. The hog was throwing catch-dogs in the air before the men somehow tackled and tied the pig, which later died, apparently from heat stress. The dog in the foreground, Wiley, was cut under the…

Hog Attacks Man Near Rich Mountain

The last thing Dennis Holman expected on August 24 was to be attacked by a wild hog in his front yard. Dennis lives between Blue Ridge and Ellijay, about one mile from Rich Mountain Wildlife Management Area. He owns a ceramic tile business, so he decided he would knock off for the afternoon. Dennis got…

Wild Hogs: Georgia’s Other Big Game

Hog hunting conjures up visions of large boars crashing through the woods with snapping jaws bristling with long tusks capable of tearing up dogs and hunters alike. Hog hunting, particularly with dogs, does have the potential for danger, while still hunting hogs can be as challenging as deer hunting. In addition, many people feel that…

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