

The Flint’s Fantastic Shoalies

Do me a favor. Get in your car and drive an hour in any direction. Then tell me what you see. Odds are you’ll hit some water somewhere along the way. We are blessed in the South to have an abundance of water. Sometimes we take for granted just how lucky we are. There are…

Flint River Record Flathead Catfish


The Almighty Fluke

  It really is a simple fishing lure. It doesn’t require a high degree of skill to make a fish eat one, and right now — with a strong postspawn bite happening on most Georgia waters — it can be one of the most productive and versatile weapons in your arsenal. It will catch bass…

Run Lines For Monster Appaloosas On The Flint

There aren’t a whole lot of things better in this world than the smell of catfish sizzling in a pot of hot grease and a group of good friends waiting to devour them. I can already taste the tarter sauce on a fat catfish fillet, and I haven’t even wet a line yet. I could…

Matt Baty’s Plan For Flint River Shoal Bass

Hundreds of miles from the nearest rapid waters of north Georgia lies a stretch of the Flint River reminiscent of anything but south Georgia. Tall river banks and steep clay and rock walls tower high above some of the fastest-moving water south of the gnat line. When one thinks of south Georgia fishing, what normally…

From Blackshear To Chehaw, October’s Fun Fishing On The Flint River

I love rivers. I always have. For some reason, I am strangely drawn to them. There is something peaceful yet exciting about a river’s ever-moving waters. From deep, slow-moving pools to shallow, fast-flowing riffles, each river has its own characteristics that make it unique and special. Unlike reservoirs, rivers are usually not very crowded. In…

Monster Slab Crappie From A Georgia Creek

The crappie Wayne Peterman of Butler pulled out of Patsiliga Creek on September 15 would be considered huge anywhere, but it’s a monster for a Taylor County creek. Wayne was fishing a crappie jig in the creek, which drains into the Flint River, and he was catching a few of the standard, hand-sized creek crappie.…

Flathead Catfish On The Lower Flint River

Scott Ellis and I had been trying to get together to go on our catfishing trip for a couple of weeks. When I would be able to go, he would be tied up, and vice-versa. My deadline was fast approaching, and I knew we had to set a date and stick to it. I called…

Albany’s Flint River Shoal Bass

The Flint River begins just south of Atlanta, where it bubbles up from a spring. From there it flows south until it ends at its confluence with the Chattahoochee River in Lake Seminole. Throughout this long stretch, it features sections of swift shoals as well as slower flowing, deep pools. This river offers scenic beauty…

Best Georgia Tailraces For Catfish

Want to get your string stretched this summer? Fight the type of fish that makes the biceps bulge as you begin to wonder who is really in charge of this head-to-head battle between angler and fish? If so, then catfishing below Georgiaʼs dams may be for you, especially if you like to do battle with…

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