

Chattahoochee National Forest 8-pointer Locked Up With Decomposing Buck Still Attached

On Thanksgiving Day afternoon, Nov. 24, Nate Martin went hunting in Whitfield County in the Chattahoochee National Forest. He was hoping to get his first buck, but little did he know that he would return home that afternoon dragging two bucks—or at least the remains of two bucks. “After we all ate, I went to…

Georgia Soldier Kills Fort Benning Buck On Veterans Day

  A 158 5/8-inch gross-scoring buck was taken from Fort Benning on Nov. 11, Veterans Day, by Russell Wyatt, an infantryman on the 182,000-acre military installation near the Georgia-Alabama border adjacent to Columbus. Russell has only been hunting a handful of times, but for a man who’s only shot a few deer, he’s now set the bar pretty high…

Webster County Buck Could Bust 190 Inches

On Friday, Nov. 18, Judd Schramm, of Columbus, killed a giant 17-point buck while hunting in Webster County that could top 190 total inches of antler. “I had pictures of him many times and had a bunch of him on my trail camera on Monday (Nov. 14). I had already taken off work for the end of…

Hunter Killed In Shooting Accident

Joseph Wesley Hoffman, 34, of Morgan County, passed away Nov. 11 after being shot when another hunter’s gun accidentally discharged. The incident occurred when Hoffman and the other hunter were retrieving their guns from the backseat of a four-door pick-up truck at opposite ends of the truck after arriving at private property in Jasper County. The incident…

Upson County 170-Inch Buck

Jeff Rooks, of Griffin, harvested a deer of a lifetime in Upson County on Nov. 12. The deer is a main-frame 10-pointer with 18 scoreable points. “I’ve never even seen a deer that big much less been fortunate enough to have one walk out in front of me,” said Jeff. Jeff said him and seven others lease…

Another Giant Buck From Oconee National Forest

Ben Holt, of Byron, was hunting the Oconee National Forest in Jasper County when he got a shot at a 13-point buck on Nov. 12. “It was actually the first time I ever went down there,” said Ben. “That morning I hunted out there, and there was a hunter about 50 yards from me, and I didn’t know…

Peachtree Corners Voting Tonight On New Bowhunting Ordinance

Peachtree Corners, a city in Gwinnett County, will be voting on an ordinance tonight that would require anyone bowhunting inside the city limits to first obtain a city permit. This is the second attempt at a city ordinance that would create a hurdle for bowhunters. The city’s first attempt—which came at last month’s meeting—tried to make bowhunting illegal inside city limits.…

November Commitment Yields Ben Hill County’s No. 1 Buck

For Wendell Davis, one of the major benefits of growing up on his family’s Ben Hill County farm was participating in the annual fall opening of deer season. Over the years, Wendell and other family members have had some great hunts and taken a number of impressive bucks. “Every year there is always a natural…

A Bowhunting Strategy During Gun Season – It’s About The Edge

The first week of November last year called for warmer than usual temps—not what I was looking for. However, the wind was out of the east, which was exactly what I needed. I parked my truck beside a busy highway and gathered my bow and safety harness, and I put my Lone Wolf climber on…

Georgia Public Land Giant Buck Expected To Make Fab-40

Jeff Goins, of Good Hope, harvested a giant Georgia buck while hunting on the Oconee National Forest in Putnam County early this morning. It was the last day of his two-week vacation. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime kind of deer,” Jeff told GON. Jeff was hunting with his fiancée, Erica Maxwell, also of Good Hope. The two were hunting in a…

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