

36th Season Of Truck-Buck, $75,000+ In Prizes! Subscribe To GON

It happened again last season… a longtime GON subscriber killed a huge buck that would have won a Truck-Buck week, only to find out his subscription had expired. Renew now! Truck-Buck is back for the 36th straight year—a testament to the GON community and the sponsors who again stepped up to provide Georgia deer hunters…

Come November: A Troublesome Opening Day

Papa says I have the biggest imagination he’s ever seen and that I see things in the woods that aren’t really there… like big ol’ gnarly bucks, for instance… Now I was wondering if that was true. It was opening day of gun season in October, and I wanted to see a big buck in…

WMA Deer Hunting Special

GON’s WMA Special is the only place in the world to look for easy-to-read tables and charts designed to guide Georgia public-land deer hunters for their upcoming seasons. In this year’s WMA Special, we have deer-hunting stats on 100 pieces of public-land dirt. Top quota and non-quota bonus deer hunts from last year are listed…

My Unicorn Buck

By Ross Baker Sparkman I normally have to work after school, but we were caught up, and I was given the evening off to go hunting. My dad and I were talking about a storm moving in and how the temperature was going to drop that evening and that it would be good hunting weather.…

Clybel WMA Deer & Doves

You hunters know what it’s like Cadillacing along secluded dirt roads and fields. Despite the July heat waves even now shimmering across dew-glistening corn and clover, it’s but a matter of time before a whitetail pops up. And off to the right, moseying through a clearcut, there she is, sidling along without a care in…

Saddle Deer Hunting

It’s been right at three years since I bought my first saddle hunting setup and dove into this seemingly crazy style of mobile deer hunting. I spent two years prior to that sitting on the fence watching interest in saddle hunting grow, thinking the same things you’ve likely thought: “That doesn’t look safe. That can’t…

The Bellyachin’ Doe

In the wild, animals come down with ailments, just like people, but there’s no treatment at a hospital or animal clinic. Nature’s way is to heal or become a meal. A pair of trail-camera photos of a doe with a big belly problem were captured in southeastern Bartow County about a mile from Red Top…

The Fab 40: Georgia’s Best Bucks Of The 2023-2024 Deer Season

Next month, in the September issue of GON, we will feature our annual “Georgia’s Best Bow Bucks” article, but this year’s Fab 40 provides more than a sneak peek. The top four bucks killed in Georgia last season and six of the Top-10 bucks were bow-kills. The Fab 40 is GON’s annual compilation of Georgia’s…

2024 Bussey Point Deer Hunt Dates Announced

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, J. Strom Thurmond Lake and Dam Project, Forest, Fish, and Wildlife section, will host primitive weapons deer hunts in Bussey Point Corps Management Unit, located in Lincoln County in October, November and December this year. All hunts are limited to the first 75 hunters to arrive per day on…

Beginner’s Guide To Georgia Public Land Deer Hunting

As a 30-year public-land deer hunter and former WMA manager for the Georgia DNR, I know the challenges of hunting deer on public land all too well. You have hunting pressure to contend with, limited season dates, and rules that can be confusing to someone new. In this article, we’ll dive into how deer hunting…

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