Week 8 North (Oct. 28-Nov. 3) 1. Riley Huff, Morgan Co., 149 4/8 2. Robert Barber, Jasper Co., 142 5/8 3. Wayne Chambers, (*), Wilkes Co., 160 7/8 4. Jason Wheeler, (pl), Putnam Co., 137 2/8 5. Kyle Smith, (*), Jasper Co., 153 0/8 6. Garrison Britt, (b), Walton Co., 125 0/8 7. Thomas Harris,…
On the final day that legislation could move forward this year, the Georgia state Senate approved Senate Bill 450, which removes the 200-yard and out-of-sight restriction for Northern Zone deer hunting near feed. There has been no distance restriction for Southern Zone deer hunters since 2011. The Senate vote yesterday (Feb. 28) was 36 in favor and…
By Rodney Simpson The morning temp was in the upper 30s, and it was clear. I had a 25-mile drive from my house to my hunting land. The heater in my old truck had quit working the year before, but I had worked on it, and I thought I had fixed it. It was a…
The Georgia legislature is considering a law change that will legalize hunting deer around feed with no distance restrictions in the Northern Zone. House Bill 923 and Senate Bill 450 are both simple paragraphs of legislation that make legal in the Northern Zone what’s been legal in the Southern Zone since 2011. The bills remove…
By Phillip Seay We got in our stand about 4 p.m. overlooking a small food plot adjacent to a good travel corridor near heavy cover. The wind was right in our face, which was perfect. Anna had killed an 8-point buck earlier in the season, and we were hoping to finish her season with something…
Two pieces of data in last month’s GON Rate Your Season Survey suggest that Georgia deer hunting could be on the rebound. First off, of the 1,868 ballots sent to GON, 17.3 percent of respondents ranked their deer season as “Excellent,” which is the second-highest percentage of excellent rankings GON has on record since the…
On Saturday, Nov. 4, one of the Truth in Nature kids had a special deer hunt awarded to him. Truth in Nature is a Christian ministry based in Dallas, Ga. that shares Christ’s love in His creation with single-parent boys. Each year, Truth in Nature hosts an annual Cast & Blast where the boys qualify…
Normally on the last hunt of my deer season, I reflect back on the season and try to analyze how things transpired and wrapped up. The 2017-18 season was a great one. I’ve seen lots of deer and many good bucks; the herd looks healthy and stable, with many button heads and doe fawns surviving…
No hindsight ip unit displayed. Scott Leysouth, better known as “The Sporting Chef, lives in California, but traces his roots back to Grand Bay, Ala. He is the Cooking Editor of Ducks Unlimited Magazine and appears on numerous television shows cooking wild game. This is one of his favorite wild game recipes. I’ve eaten his…
Before hunting deer over bait became legal in Georgia’s Southern Zone, it was the hottest deer hunting topic ever debated amongst Peach State hunters. Tempers flared, things were said that shouldn’t have been, and it’s highly likely that some friendships were even lost over the issue. It was emotional. But then it happened. It took…