GON has recently reported that Georgia game wardens are now using all kinds of social media to look for game-related violations. However, a new form of social media from an Oklahoma game warden is one we haven’t heard yet. According to the Oklahoma Game Wardens Facebook page, Game Warden Cannon Harrison was on a dating app…
Often times over the years I have heard people talk negatively about having the timber cut on their hunting land. You hear things like, “I have to go pull all of my stands.” “There goes all the work in the food plots.” “Every deer on the place will be run off.” Yes, you need to…
Hopefully you’ve put some venison in the freezer, and maybe there’s a buck at the taxidermist. Whether you were successful in the deer woods this season or not, certainly some memories were made during the time you spent in the woods. The January issue of GON means it’s time Rate Your Deer Season, and it’s…
On the morning of Oct. 28, Karl VanVoorhis, of Harlem, killed two mature, heavy-racked bucks on Fort Gordon in Richmond County about 10 minutes apart. “I got set up 45 minutes before shooting light. It’s a great morning, and everything is perfect,” said Karl. “About 15 minutes after sunrise, I hear two bucks fighting. They…
By Mike Simmons A few friends of mine and I got selected for this year’s B.F. Grant WMA quota hunt in Putnam County from Nov. 1-3. We had attended this hunt two years ago, and although we did not see very many deer during that hunt due to the prevailing drought and uncharacteristically hot weather,…
On Dec. 6, David Berry Jr., of Brookline, Missouri, was told by a judge that he’ll be forced to watch Walt Disney’s Bambi movie from his jail cell once a month for the next year. Berry pled guilty to taking wildlife illegally and is just one of a number of others recently charged with wildlife…
It ain’t quite over, but we’re about to put a period on another Georgia deer season. For us at GON, by the end of November it feels like our deer season might last forever. Then one day you look up, and the Truck-Buck entries stop coming in, and so do the emails and phone calls…
This recipe is from outdoor writer John Phillips and his wife Denise’s cookbook: “The Best Wild Game and Seafood Cookbook Ever.” The stew sounds easy to fix and yummy and perfect for a cold January night. 1 can tomato soup 1 can condensed beef broth 1/2 cup water 2 lbs. venison stew meat 1 can…
One of the favorite hunting books around the GON office over the past several years has been Duncan Dobie’s “Dawn of American Deer Hunting.” Duncan’s compilation of historic deer hunting photos was also popular with other folks, enough so that Duncan has authored another version. If you enjoyed Volume I, you’ll love Volume II of…
“Cochran, you just need to kill a deer.” Those were the words that Brad Gill spoke in our discussion about me not being sure if I was ever going to sit in my spacious blind again. It was difficult for me to come to terms that I injured a buck and was not able to…