

Coyote Attacks Buck On Camera

Tim Brown, of Covington, is a working man, so he relies on his Tactacam Reveal cell camera to get pictures of what’s going on at his Warren County hunting club when he’s not there. Tactacam offers users the option to set specific times when a camera will take a random photo and send it to…

Megel Arrows 160-Inch Meriwether County Buck

Jonathan Megel and his father John have been working on improving the hunting and quality of the deer on a tract of land in Meriwether County that they’ve had now for about three years. A major component of that effort is to try and let bucks get some age on them. Heading into this 2023…

Double Velvet Bucks Thanks To Musician Brantley Gilbert

A messed-up crossbow right before bow season started meant that Nicki Johnson, of Jefferson, had to borrow one from her friend, musician Brantley Gilbert. “Brantley and I grew up together, so I ran to his place to get his Raven crossbow the evening before our hunt. She practiced with it and got it zeroed in,” said…

The 1957 Ralph Avant Buck From Jones County

These days, the discovery of a fine old trophy whitetail in Georgia from yesteryear is about as rare as finding an honest politician. But it does still happen, and it’s always exciting to see what history has yet to uncover. When I got a phone call from Warren Wright telling me he had an old…

Bussey Point 2023 Deer Hunt Dates

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, J. Strom Thurmond Project, Forest, Fish, and Wildlife section have set the dates for primitive weapons deer hunts in Bussey Point Corps Management Unit, located in Lincoln County. The first 100 hunters to arrive each day will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis. Archery hunters are invited…

No. 2 Typical 2022 Bow Buck Caught On Realtree Road Trips

  A 5 1/2-year-old Harris County buck netting 157 4/8 inches is Georgia’s No. 2 typical bow buck taken last season. The hunter, Tyler Jordan with Realtree, had been watching the main-frame 12-pointer for three years before finally taking him with his Hoyt RX-7 bow on Oct. 18. “I love traveling the country and hunting…

2023 WMA Bow Special

We’ll get right to the pink elephant in this years’s GON’s WMA Bow Special. I can’t say for certain because I wasn’t a yellow fly in the Spanish moss, but it’s highly unlikely that five bowhunters took 23 deer over the course of archery season on Sapelo Island WMA last year, giving it what’s currently…

Georgia’s Best Bow Bucks For 2022-23

The 2022-23 season has tallied up 99 record-book bow bucks, the second-most ever recorded in a single season of Georgia hunting. There’s a chance that as a few late bucks trickle in this fall and winter we could exceed the 2020-21 record season of 111 record-class bow bucks. The state map to the right represents…

$25 Gets You Eligible For $75K In Truck-Buck Prizes!

  We are super thankful for the dedicated and longtime sponsors of Truck-Buck and the relatively new sponsors that came on board in the past several seasons. Make no mistake, without these folks, the Truck-Buck contest would not be returning for an amazing 35th season. Please support the companies and people who support GON and…

Cherokee County Bowhunt For “High Rise” Captured On Video

  As a young ’un, I remember watching my grandfather and wanting to be everything he was. He was a good man. He had a true passion, one that drove him far more than the outdoors. He had faith in the Lord and through his passion, he was able to provide for our family. It…

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