

Deer Tracking-Dog Tales

GON has been running a list of deer-trailing dog owners for the past several years as a way to ensure our readers would have every possible advantage when it comes to locating a deer. We also began to hear some neat stories, so we called a few folks and asked them to share their experiences…

Deer Hunt Challenge

For three years me and a couple of the boys from the office, along with some family and friends, have been hunting a 900-acre piece of old Weyerhaeuser timber land covered with thick pines, briars, clearcuts and a few hardwood drains. The club has lots of deer on it, so we’ve enjoyed the luxury of…

A History Of DNR Budget Cuts In Georgia

For years, GON has attempted to alert sportsmen to a continued assault on hunting, fishing, and law enforcement within the Wildlife Resources Division (WRD) of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This assault, also known as budget cuts, has hit personnel and programs that should service sportsmen, the very folks who have traditionally — and…

Rut Roh! Hunting When The Rut Is Dead

Want to kill a big buck? Simple, hunt the rut. That’s what you’ve been told year after year. Hunt high where you can see a long way, hunt all day, but most importantly, just hunt during the peak of the rut. Of course, deer hunting is not that easy, particularly when your sights are set…

No Deer At First-Ever Hunts On River Creek WMA

Blame it on the south Georgia heat and bugs, blame it on how tough bowhunting can be, or, like some of those who attended the hunts, blame it on a simple lack of deer. The first two bowhunts on River Creek, Georgia’s newest WMA, produced zero deer. Both had quotas of 30 — 20 bowhunters…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner November 2005

On Sunday, January 23, 2005, DNR Law Enforcement Ranger First Class (RFC) Chris Hodge received a telephone call from a member of Mumfort Island Hunting Club in Camden County informing him about someone dumping a deer carcass at one of their gates. RFC Hodge drove to the area to investigate and located a deer carcass,…

Deer Stand Strategy: Move Or Stand Pat

With firearms deer season underway, most people have already set their stands up and are ready to do some serious hunting. Every hunter knows, however, that sometimes the best-looking stand location isn’t quite right. It’s too far from that trail the deer are using, nearby foliage is blocking a shot, or the deer aren’t hitting…

Does Anybody Really Care When Gun Season Opens?

I remember how excited I’d get the Thursday before opening day of gun season. I’d get home from school and my dad was already loading up our 1974 Chevy Blazer. He’d be packing the essentials that were needed for a weekend at deer camp: hunting clothes, orange vests, sleeping bags and about a week’s worth…

Hunting Deer In The Planted Pines

Maybe the best thing I ever did to strengthen my deer-hunting knowledge was to buy a pack of beagles. My dive into the rabbit-dog world started three years ago when I bought a pair of beagles. I got access to hunt several hundred acres that was covered with short pines and briars. It may have…

GON’s 2005 Georgia Deer Special

Georgia’s deer-harvest numbers from last season are in, and they prove what a lot of hunters knew already: the 2004-05 season was an off year for Georgia deer hunting. What the survey numbers say is that deer harvest dropped by 16 percent last year. The buck harvest dropped 15 percent to the lowest level since…

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