I’ll never forget the first time I saw him. It was a windy morning, November 10, 2004. I was sitting with Glenn Garner in a double-ladder stand we call Olympus, which sits atop a ridge on one of our Harris County properties. While we hunt alone a lot, we sit together whenever we have a…
Land where hunting had not been allowed and where deer populations had grown so large that habitat was being damaged enticed more than 8,000 folks to apply for 605 spots on four state-park quota hunts, and the results did not disappoint. Overall on the four hunts, 457 hunters showed up, and they killed 394 deer…
Thornton Hull, 75, of Locust Grove, spent Christmas in a cast after a bizarre incident at B.F. Grant WMA in early December. On Thursday, December 8, Thornton, his cousin Norman McCullough, 72, and Charles Moore, 66, both from Conyers, went for a rabbit hunt at the Putnam County public tract. The three men were walking…
While some hunters still say they aren’t seeing the number of deer they’re accustomed to seeing, based on a variety of indicators it has been a boom year for big bucks in Georgia. For sheer numbers of 130- to 160-class bucks, this may be the very best year GON has ever heard about. We’ll begin to…
Most hunters picked for one of the Ossabaw Island quota deer hunts this season found the hunting tougher than normal, at least compared to the heyday for high hunter-success rates in the late 1990s. Several factors have changed the way hunters have to go about collecting venison and pork. For the first time in a…
Let’s talk reality hunting. A lot of our subscribers hunt just like me, on pine-infested timberland. My hunting club has a decent deer population, and it receives some moderate hunting pressure. So, how would two expert deer hunters approach this piece of property and where would they hunt? We invited John Seginak and John Stanley…
When a deer overpopulation problem began to develop on 9,200 acres of Dalton Utilities property in Murray and Whitfield counties, instead of hiring sharpshooters or listening to the rhetoric of “birth control” as a solution, the company first invited hunters to help manage the deer herd. The result for hunters was access to some excellent…
When I pulled up to where Michael Mashburn had turned out his hounds only a couple of hours before, I could see the little buck stretched out in the grass behind his truck. I had turned out on a hill of plantation pines across a powerline from Michael, and when I heard him shoot, I…
What to do with a crisp, beautiful Saturday in November… In our busy lives the options are endless: stay home, build a fire, and watch football. Then again, it’s prime time to see a mature buck, maybe slip back to the creek stand. Or maybe it’s opening day of duck season, and you’re just minutes…
Cody Dalton isn’t your average 15-year-old hunter. Before his dream hunt to Little River Plantation in November he’d killed 33 deer, 13 of them with a bow. In fact, he took 13 deer in the 2004 season, one of them being on a check-in hunt at Ossabaw where the deer didn’t count against his state…