They say you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. This is especially true of your glory days, your golden years — that part of your life when you were wild and free. You felt like you would live forever; you could take on life and kick its butt. My glory days were from…
Venison Meatballs With Currant Sauce Ingredients 1 1/2 pounds ground venison 1/2 cup dry bread crumbs 1/2 cup milk 1 egg, beaten 1/4 cup finely minced onion 1 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 garlic clove, finely minced Mix ingredients well and shape into one-inch balls. Place in baking dish and brown in 350-degree…
On October 23, Jeff Sutton, 42, of Barnesville went hunting on a lease in Lamar County near Milan. At about 4:15 on a windy after- noon, Jeff left his truck and walked 15 minutes to a small, overgrown swampy area about 20 yards wide that was the low spot between three soybean fields. In that…
November deer hunting was awesome for some folks, specifically those who hunt in the middle third of the state. Some hunters report that once the rut got started it just kept going and going. Some report that mature bucks were still chasing does as late as the weekend before Thanksgiving. A few deer-cooler operators report…
November in the Georgia deer woods almost looked like the start of a new era; big-bodied, heavy-racked bucks almost seemed to come out of the woodwork. Some deer-cooler operators and hunters have reported a great rut with lots of deer on the move. November may help cushion 2006 as one of the best years…
How do you kill a mature buck during the peak of the rut? Techniques and theories for hunting the rut abound. Hunt all day because bucks are on the move, hunt high in a place you can see a long distance, hunt where the does are feeding because they’ll attract a buck. Those techniques might…
For some the homework is over. Hunters have placed lock-ons and ladders in August, while others will rely on permanent stands that have yielded success in the past. Stands sit empty collecting colorful leaves as hunters wait to hunt the rut. When the time is right, some hunters spend an entire week in the woods…
The reports are good from opening weekend of gun season across Georgia, as hunters are reporting that they are seeing more deer than the past couple of seasons. Acorns are looking good from the mountains to south Georgia, and hunters are already having success by keying on acorns that are falling like rain in many…
At the 2006 Buckarama in August, I spent Saturday helping run the Quality Deer Management Association’s (QDMA) booth. This was a priceless opportunity for those of us on the QDMA staff to meet and talk with Georgia deer hunters — not only do we hear from QDMA members about their successful efforts but we get…
Kids, work, traffic… kids… Is it getting more difficult to find time for that other passion — deer hunting? With our lives seemingly more busy each year, every opportunity to get out in the woods to spend a morning or evening in a stand is some- thing to be cherished. For those who just don’t…