

5 Booners Cap Best Season Ever For Georgia Giants

Based on the bucks that made GON’s exclusive Fab 40 list, we just experienced Georgia’s best deer season ever for high-scoring bucks. Georgia produced five bucks that scored high enough to make the elite Boone & Crockett record book, which tied the all-time record for Booners killed during one season. The best non-typical killed last…

Ossabaw Island Hunting Adventure

Would you like to hunt an exclusive, exotic island, set with tall palmetto and live oak trees, pristine beaches, fertile marshes, an abundant hog population and a deer herd of 70 per square mile? The area is hunted five times each year, and each hunt is limited to a strict quota. It is accessed only…

Coyotes Could Drive Deer Into “Predator Pit”

Deer managers and hunters now know for certain coyotes in Georgia are taking a bite out of fawn numbers. Top deer researchers studying fawn mortality are finding survival rates significantly lower than they used to be, and coyotes are the primary fawn killer. Studies in the Southeast are finding only 20 to 25 percent of…

Deer Farming Debated By Georgia Lawmakers

As reported last month in GON, the discovery of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in wild deer near a deer-farming operation in Missouri has increased the scrutiny of an effort to legalize deer farming in Georgia. If passed, House Bill 1043 would legalize importing whitetails into Georgia for breeding farms. Those in favor of HB 1043…

Season Of The Book Bucks

Some end-of-the-season good fortune added another Boone & Crockett class buck to the long list of giants killed in Georgia this past deer season. On Dec. 29, Ray Thigpen, of Fort Valley, went to some family land in Crawford County. He’s killed plenty of deer there in the past, but he hasn’t hunted it much…

Deer Farming Issue Clouded By CWD Discovery in Missouri

A bill to legalize deer farming in Georgia is expected to be introduced this legislative session; however, opponents now have more ammunition against the effort after Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) was found in wild Missouri deer. The deer were killed just 2 miles from a legal, permitted deer farm where penned deer were previously found…

6-Year-Old 8-Point For Cannon Klement

  By Sam Klement “Dad,” Cannon whispered. “What is it?” I asked. “That buck fever is coming on me again,” he said. About that time, the stand started to shake like an earthquake was just moments from happening. “Try to control it, son. The does are looking at us,” I said. With a deep breath of cold…

Wild In The Kitchen: Venison Sausage And Black Bean Soup

Last month we told you how to make venison sausage. If you’ve already got some in the freezer, here’s a recipe to use it in. For a little kick, add your favorite hot sauce or a few hot peppers when you add the liquid ingredients. Black Deer Soup (Venison sausage and black bean soup) 1…

Season Of Georgia Booners And Brute Bucks

Back-to-back Booners? We won’t know until they’re officially measured, but we’re confident Brooks County, way down on the Florida line, produced two record-book-class bucks — an 11-pointer killed Nov. 10 and a 10-pointer on Nov. 11. We are also running down rumors of a couple of other bucks that reportedly are Boone & Crockett class, but…

Supplemental Feed Study Earns Gordon County Student High Honors In FFA National Competition

A senior at Sonoraville High School in Gordon County recently won high honors in a national Future Farmers of America (FFA) science competition for a study he conducted on the supplemental feed preferences of whitetails. He also collected some data in his study that hunters and deer managers might find interesting: deer prefer supplemental feed…

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