Truth In Nature Hosts Youth Deer Hunt
Brad Gill | January 3, 2013

Tanner Hillman, 15, of Covington, gives a thumbs up from the deer stand after shooting his first deer, a 6-point from Carroll County.
Truth in Nature held its final program of the year on Dec. 1, a deer hunt outside of Waco at Walker Creek Outdoors. Truth in Nature is a Christian outdoor ministry for youth from one-parent homes.
“During this hunt we had 10 youth/volunteer teams in the woods,” said Jeff Davis, founder of Truth in Nature. “One of the volunteers was our Louisiana Chapter Program Director Michael Rivers. He was paired with one of our regular attendees, Tanner Hillman.
“Tanner and Michael were in a buddy stand on the back side of the property. At daybreak, they saw a doe slipping past just out of range.
“Around 8:45 a.m., a doe and a good 6-pointer came down a firebreak.”
Tanner had his rifle ready when the buck eased out of some thick stuff.
“Michael said that when the buck moved from behind the brush and Tanner saw it had antlers, he looked up and said ‘Oh my gosh!’” said Jeff. “Michael quickly tried to calm him down, and Tanner took aim and fired. The buck did a quick back-kick and took off. It appeared to be good hit.”
They later got down and started looking for blood. Unfortunately the only thing they found was some white hair and one speck of blood. They had to give up the search after not finding any more sign.
“Two days later, and with one young man still down in the dumps, Truth in Nature received a call from the land manager of Walker Creek Outdoors, Shannon Morgan. They had found Tanner’s buck! The shot had been just a little far back. Unfortunately nature had taken its course, but the head and antlers were still in good shape. It is at the taxidermy now and is going to make a great skull mount for the young man to remember his first deer by. Tanner is so excited and cannot wait for the mount. Way to go, Tanner!”
The next Truth in Nature event is a Feb. 15-16 squirrel hunt at Walker Creek Outdoors. If you are a single parent, or know someone who is, contact Jeff at (404) 374-4228. You can also visit
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