
GON Subscriber Exclusives

Fall Fiction: Buck No. 27 Part 5

A half-dozen flashlights bounced off the deerʼs brown hide where it lay just inside a narrow stand of privet. Jenny Lewisʼs smile was bigger than a quarter moons as she stared down and enjoyed the congratulatory pats on the back and high fives. “Giant doe,” said Ben Harris, Jennyʼs 18-year-old boyfriend. “Only your second time…

Fall Fiction: Buck No. 27 Part 4

When Mike Kilgoreʼs tubby body fell beside his small dome tent nearly a quarter of a mile from the palmetto thicket, he slammed his scoped .22-magnum rifle down into a mat of thin pinestraw. Todd had arrived a minute earlier and was already sitting in the campʼs only chair. “That was Leeʼs voice…why did you…

Fall Fiction: Buck No. 27 Part 3

“Sounds like weʼre getting pretty close… time to put it in stealth mode,” whispered Mike Kilgore. “I bet we ainʼt but 150 yards from the deer,” Todd Swain whispered back. “Youʼre fat… I can be quieter than you. Give me the gun, and Iʼll go alone.” “Iʼm fixing to slam the butt of this gun in…

Fall Fiction: Buck No. 27 Part 2

“Knife? I ainʼt got my knife,” said Todd Swain. “You really are a moron, Todd,” Mike Kilgore said pointing a short, fat finger in Toddʼs face. “I figured youʼd forget your blade — thatʼs why Iʼve got mine.” Todd put his head down and ran his cold hands along the thick, long beams of the giant…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner August 2004

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and resources from game and fish law violators. Burke County: In December of 2003, DNR Law Enforcement Ranger First Class (RFC) Jeff Billips was checking a hunt-club tract…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner December 2003

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and resources from game and fish law violators. The following information was taken from DNR Law Enforcement reports. Toombs County: On December 8, 2002, DNR Law Enforcement Cpl.…

Fall Fiction: The Sanctuary Buck Part 5

The sun dipped below the treeline, and it was like someone turned downed the thermostat and turned off the breeze at the same time. That cool air felt good. Here it was mid November, and a frost had yet to coat the ground. Maybe tonight, Jack hoped. Not only had there been spring-like warmth all…

Fall Fiction: The Sanctuary Buck Part 4

The first brilliant yellow rays of the morning sun hit the tops of the giant oak trees. Not a single cloud blotted the sky, not the faintest hint of a breeze stirred the brown and drying leaves. That morning, November 1, dawned cold and crisp, 28 degrees, and the first frost of the season coated…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner November 2003

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and resources from game and fish law violators. Editorʼs Note: The following information was taken from DNR Law Enforcement reports. Echols County: In the September, 2003 issue of…

Fall Fiction: The Sanctuary Buck Part 3

Days pass under the comfortable blanket of routine. The mundane stresses seem so important, then in an instant real life hits like a sudden uppercut to the jaw… like the sound of breaking glass and the deafening wail of a burglar alarm. Jack shot straight up in bed. Loud steps pounded down the hallway, then…