
Rules Regarding Georgia Power’s Properties & Powerlines

Remember, Georgia Power powerlines are private.

Joey Slaughter - Biologist Georgia Power | November 30, 2013

Editor’s Note: Georgia Power Company (GPC) contacted GON and wanted to address two issues they are regularly dealing with in regards to their properties and powerlines.

Myth No. 1: Powerline rights-of-way are open to the public. Nothing could be further from the truth. In most cases, GPC has an easement with the landowner that only allows us to maintain our poles and lines through their property. Private individuals still own the land, and they control all access outside of our maintenance and operations. If you want to hunt, hike, ride, or simply visit a powerline right-of-way, you must have permission of the property owner unless the property is clearly marked allowing that activity and open to the public. You should contact the property owner directly for permission before you access any land.

Myth No. 2: All GPC lands are open to the public. Much of the land surrounding GPC lakes is owned by the company; however, recreation and public access are only allowed in designated areas. Only specific activities, noted in our plant operating licenses, are allowed in our public parks. These activities are also described on signage within the parks and on the GPC website. These lands are generally not available for hunting unless so advertised. You can waterfowl hunt some GPC lakes. For more info on those, go to

Some extended properties around GPC lakes, like Oconee and Rum Creek WMAs, are open to hunting but are managed by DNR. Currently, there are no public hunting lands managed by GPC.

GPC does own other parcels of land around the state that are managed for timber or for other potential future uses. Those lands are usually adjacent to power plants or GPC lakes. Signs are typically in place to mark them as GPC land, and the boundaries are often painted. These parcels are closed to public access unless otherwise noted. Hunting on these properties is restricted.

Our hope in dispelling these myths is to protect property owners, our lessees, our employees and contractors, and other hunters by avoiding awkward, illegal and even dangerous situations.

The fact that a powerline crosses a piece of property only means that the power company has an agreement with the landowner to use that land for moving electricity, not that it is available for public access. Also, just because GPC owns a piece of land, don’t assume it is open to the public.

For more on GPC properties and powerlines, go to

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