

Bitter Cold In Early January Takes Toll On Coastal Fish And Shrimp

The new year arrived with a rude surprise — abnormally cold temperatures. The north Georgia mountains saw temperatures in the single digits while the usually balmy coastal counties suffered through several consecutive nights in the mid to low 20s. As the air temperature plunged, so did the water temperature in coastal estuaries and the near-shore…

Legislature Considers Raising Bear-Limit Option To Three

Georgia bear hunters are currently limited to killing one bear per season. If the Georgia legislature passes a bill currently being considered, DNR would have the option to raise the season bear limit to three. The bear-limit legislation, HB 1000, is the only bill of significance on the radar of sportsmen this legislative session, according…

Buck Attacks Teen And Mom In Woods Behind Madison County Home

A 13-year-old Colbert teen and his mom were fortunate to escape serious injury after both were attacked by a 9-point buck on Feb. 11. Kyle Watkins, his twin brother Tyler, and two friends were playing with airsoft guns (used similarly to paint-ball guns) in the woods behind the Watkins’ Madison County home when the buck…

Arrest Made In Fayette County Horse Shooting

A Fayette County horse shot on Jan. 3 with three broadhead-tipped arrows is recovering, according to Nancy Padovano, the horses’ owner. On Jan. 7, Jeremy Ryan Richardson, 17, of Fayette County, was arrested on an aggravated cruelty to animals charge, in addition to 14 counts of game-and-fish violations. “He actually came in to speak to…

Coyote Predation Study Begins On Georgia WMAs

The University of Georgia and WRD recently began a four-year cooperative study into the effects of coyotes on fawns, and it will result in a significant reduction of coyotes on two middle Georgia WMAs. “We know from previous research that coyotes are having some impact on Southeastern deer herds,” said Dr. Karl Miller, professor of…

Bear-Dogging In North Georgia Discussed

In December, a rumor reached GON that biologists with WRD were meeting to discuss the possibility of allowing dog hunting for bears in north Georgia. There was a bear meeting at Dawson Forest on Dec. 8, but the impetus for the meeting may have been the opposite of what the rumor suggested. Region I Supervisor…

Arrest Made In Fayette County Horse Shooting Includes Game Violations

An arrest has been made in the Fayette County horse shooting. Jeremy Ryan Richardson, 17, of Fayette County, was arrested Jan. 7 on 14 counts of game-and-fish violations, in addition to an aggravated cruelty to animals charge for shooting a Fayette County horse on Jan. 3 with three arrows. “He actually came in to speak…

Charles Petty Wins World Senior Duck-Calling Title!

Charles Petty may list his home as Harrisburg, Ark. these days, but Georgia still claims this native son as the best duck caller our pine hills have ever produced. Born in Clarkston, Charles is a former Georgia State Champion duck caller who has been guiding duck hunters in the Jonesboro, Ark. area for the past…

Sportsmen Seek Justice After Fayette County Horse Shot

The Georgia Outdoor Network (GONetwork) is offering a $1,000 reward to anyone with information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for shooting a south Fayette County horse on Jan. 3 with three arrows. The horse belongs to Ralph and Nancy Padovano. “A passerby observed a horse with arrows sticking out of its…

Walton County Hunters Save Locked Buck

On Sept. 8, I was walking to check my trail camera for pictures at my Walton County hunting lease when I saw a deer from behind. I watched it about five minutes, and it never moved. I stepped to my left to see its head and realized it was a buck. I stood there for…