7th Annual GON Coyote Cull
GON's coyote-killing incentive is back just as fawns and turkey poults are being born.
GON Staff | April 30, 2020
If you’re concerned about the impact of predators on wildlife, that alone should be incentive enough to do something about it. However, just to throw sportsmen a little added incentive to do some coyote control, GON’s 7th annual Coyote Cull is back.
This year we are again offering a chance at three great prizes. The total value of this year’s Coyote Cull prizes is more than $1,000. Thanks to sponsors who are as concerned about the coyote situation as we are, GON’s Coyote Cull offers a little push to get sportsmen out during a time of year when they might not otherwise get after yotes. We do the Coyote Cull in May and June because this is when fawns and turkey poults are being born and when they are extremely vulnerable to coyotes. Biologists say taking out a coyote right now can have a greater positive impact than at other times of the year.
We’ve had folks ask why we only allow one entry per month. The primary reason is we don’t want all of our prizes being won by commercial trappers or predator-control experts, who are killing plenty of coyotes anyway and getting paid to do it. This is for the average GON folks who want to help do something about a non-native, invasive species in Georgia. Coyote Cull was never designed to try to solve the coyote problem, it’s simply to highlight the issue and give some incentive during this important time of year. Folks who want to kill dozens or more coyotes this month should do so, contest or not.
Coyotes haven’t been here forever. As coyotes expanded and their population grew, wildlife populations dropped. Coincidence? Maybe, but a rather remarkable one, if it is. We know coyotes have lowered fawn survival rates, and factors are also impacting turkey numbers and poult survival, even on large tracts with very good timber and habitat management. The turkey situation is getting bad enough there is talk about limiting hunting opportunity.

The winner of the rifle last year was Michael Warrak, of White, who entered with a coyote he killed in Bartow County. To enter the 7th annual Coyote Cull, simply kill a coyote and get a picture with the 2020 May or June issues of GON. You can enter twice, once with each issue of the magazine.
There is no Coyote Cull entry fee, and there are no check stations. The Coyote Cull is designed to be uncomplicated and very simple to enter (see entry instructions and details to the right). After the June 17 entry deadline, a random drawing from among all entries will determine who wins these prizes:
• Trinity Custom Homes $500 Cash Prize: Offering more than 70 customizable home designs, Trinity has helped countless Southerners complete their dream of building on their own land. For more info, call 888.818.0278 or visit
• Thompson-Center 6.5 Creedmoor Bolt-Action Rifle: Adventure Outdoors and Thompson-Center are helping us give away a 6.5 Creedmoor bolt-action rifle. This gun is made in the USA and retails for $300. Visit Adventure Outdoors in Smyrna to thank them for their support of the Coyote Cull since the first year, or visit
• Trapping Package From Southern Snares & Supply: This great package includes six No. 2 Bridger Dogless traps to get after the coons, a dozen trap anchors and nine great lures and baits for predator trapping. The retail value is $210. See all of their great products at, or call 912.288.6542.
How To Enter
The Coyote Cull is designed to be uncomplicated. It’s not a contest to kill the most coyotes or the biggest. There are no check stations. The prizes are simply a great incentive to get folks out right now doing what we should all be doing anyway—taking out some coyotes during the time of year when fawns and turkey poults are being born.
To enter, go kill a coyote. Then email a picture to [email protected] showing the dead coyote and the hunter holding this May 2020 issue of GON or the upcoming June 2020 issue. The hunter must include their name, hometown and the county where the coyote was taken. There is no entry fee, and you don’t even have to buy the current issue—you can borrow one from a friend. The only reason we require that the hunter hold the 2020 May or June issues of GON is so we know the coyote was killed during this two-month period of the Coyote Cull.
One picture-entry per coyote—your buddy can’t take a picture with your coyote and enter. We will accept entries through June 17. The only rule is a limit of one entry per month, per household. If you enter this month holding the May GON, you (or someone from your household) can enter again next month holding the June issue. That’s a maximum of two entries per household.
Your entry photo and details can also be mailed to GON Coyote Cull, 4331 Seven Islands Road, Madison, GA 30650, but we must receive them by June 17. Call (800) 438-4663 with questions.
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