Seatrout Closure For One Month In Florida Western Panhandle
Spotted seatrout harvest is closed Feb. 1 to March 1 in the Western Panhandle Management Region.
FWC Press Release | January 31, 2024

Spotted seatrout. Photo by Tim Donovan/FWC
Recreational harvest of spotted seatrout closes Feb. 1 in the Western Panhandle Management Region (Escambia County through the portions of Gulf County west of 85 degrees, 13.76 minutes west longitude but NOT including Indian Pass or Indian Lagoon). Spotted seatrout harvest will reopen in the Western Panhandle Region on March 1, 2024. When harvest resumes, the bag limit remains three seatrout per angler, with zero captain and crew bag limit when on a for-hire trip. The slot limit is seatrout not less than 15 inches or greater than 19 inches total length. Anglers may possess one seatrout over 19 inches per vessel or, if fishing from shore, one over 19 inches per person, included in the bag limit.
In the Big Bend Seatrout Region, seatrout harvest is open year-round with a a five-fish limit and the same slot-limit requirements. The Northeast Region is also open year-round with a five-fish limit. For specific regulations for all of Florida’s seatrout regions, go to
Learn more about spotted seatrout by visiting and clicking on “Recreational Regulations” and “Spotted Seatrout.”
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