Earn A Spot To Nationals! Yonah Turkey Calling Contest Returns To Outdoor Blast
The 3rd annual Yonah Invitational Turkey Calling Contest set for July 29.
GON Staff | July 10, 2023

The winners in the inaugural 2021 Yonah Open Division were (from left) Craig Wolfe, Michael Stovall and Hunter Young.
For the third straight year, competition turkey callers will have the opportunity to earn a trip to Nashville to compete in the Super Bowl of contest calling at the NWTF Grand Nationals. The 3rd annual Yonah Invitational turkey-calling competition, a Grand National qualifying event, will take place at the Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast on Saturday, July 29.
Outdoor writer Donald Devereaux Jarrett and John Browning, of Pistol Creek Game Calls, founded the event with an eye toward making it one of the most prestigious turkey-calling contests in the nation.
“The event started as just an idea that John Browning, owner of Pistol Creek Outdoors, had in the late summer of 2019. When he shared the idea with me, I couldn’t wait to do it,” said Donald Jarrett, a GON freelance writer for two decades and a pro-staffer for Pistol Creek Outdoors. “We kicked it around a little and then got in touch with GON.”
The Yonah Invitational is a “Grand National Qualifying Event,” which means it’s sanctioned by the National Wild Turkey Federation. Qualifying events give callers the opportunity to earn a golden ticket to the Grand National Calling Championships. Hosted in Nashville at the annual NWTF Convention and Sport Show, this turkey-calling contest is known widely as the Super Bowl of all turkey calling competitions.
“Many people were surprised to see a turkey-calling contest in August, but a serious turkey-calling competitor will tell you that it’s about stage time,” said Donald. “They want to stay sharp by practicing, and there is no better place for that than on the stage competing. They are either looking for that ticket to Nashville or staying on top of their game if they have already earned a trip to the big stage.”
The Yonah Invitational offers six divisions at the July 29 event held during the Outdoor Blast: Owling, Poults, Juniors, Hunter, Friction and Open. Sign up will begin at 9:30 a.m. on July 29. The contest is expected to start around 10 a.m.
If you’re interested in more information on this year’s Yonah Invitational, call Donald at 706.473.8027 or email [email protected].
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