Deer Growers Field Day
Instructive seminars and product giveaways highlight a new free event to be held April 15 at 4S headquarters in Reynolds.
Scott Hodges | April 2, 2023

It is common for hunting clubs and landowners to plant fall food plots that they hunt over during deer season. However, plots planted in the spring provide growing-season nutrition that can significantly improve deer herd health and antler growth.
If you have been wanting to improve your hunting lease or personal property to benefit your deer herd—and wildlife in general—but maybe you weren’t sure what measures you should take, make plans to attend a free one-day event coming to Taylor County in middle Georgia.
The first annual Deer Growers Field Day is being presented by 4S Advanced Wildlife Solutions on Saturday, April 15 a the 4S headquarters in Reynolds.
The event is free to the public and no pre-registration is required—just show up Saturday morning and plan on learning from great information from experts on various aspects of wildlife management. Presentations include hands-on sessions on trapping, prescribed burns for wildlife, food plot site preparation and year-round foot plots and feeding strategies. UGA Warnell School of Forest Resources and County Extension Service personnel are scheduled to attend. DNR Law Enforcement Division will conduct a demonstration with one of their highly trained K-9 teams.
The free event also features some amazing giveaways, including a Titan Blind valued at $3,200, a brand-new $1,000 Obsession Bow, and a $900 deer feeder from ASF—All Seasons Feeders.
A free BBQ lunch will be provided to everyone.
“This will truly be a unique opportunity to gain valuable info on anything and everything deer management,” said Bruce Swearingen, of 4S Advanced Wildlife Solutions.
Because of the new 80,000-square-foot 4S facility, the Field Day will be a “rain or shine” event.
“Come learn from the experts and share ideas with hunters and land managers from across the state. Other than speakers, there will be lots of very experienced deer growers in attendance to share thoughts and ideas,” Bruce said.
If you can’t attend in person, lots of video from the event will be online at the 4S YouTube channel and website, and GON will have a follow-up article next month in the May issue that details ground prep and planting tips for successful warm-season food plots.
Now is the time to start growing this year’s trophy. The first annual Deer Growers field day will be held at the 4S headquarters located at 3 South Lashley St., Reynolds, GA 31076. For more information, visit
Deer Growers Field Day Schedule
Saturday, April 15
9:30 a.m. Registration – Coffee & Donuts
10 a.m. Welcome & Introduction of Presenters
10:15 a.m. Trapping With Mark Wooley
11 a.m. Burning With Erin Ulrey, UGA
11:45 a.m. Site Preparation With Jeff Cook, UGA
12:30 p.m. BBQ Lunch
1:30 p.m. 365 Feeding & Food Plots, Bruce Swearingen
2:15 p.m. Grain Drill Calibration & Demos With Richard Carver of Wildlife Farming
5 p.m. Drawing For Door Prizes
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