
Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants

The author shares how the late Glen Solomon, a GON writer, was a giant in his life.

Andrew Curtis | December 8, 2022

Glen Solomon’s book is a collection of his writings over the years.

Another “giant” on my list.

When talking to a hunting and fishing crowd, the word “giant” conjures thoughts of trophy-sized game animals and fish. It’s what we all dream of… another “giant” on our list of sportsman goals. But I have another type of “giant” list. 

I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to know numerous mentors in my life. Whenever I realize that someone has profoundly affected me in a positive way, I add them to my list of “giants.” A veterinarian whom I deeply respect once asked me the question, “Andrew, do you know why you are tall?”

Being 6-2 I immediately began to answer the question with genealogical details of height in my family. He shook his head and waved his hands to interrupt my monologue. Then he said something that I will never forget.

“No, Andrew, the reason you are tall is because you stand on the shoulders of giants.”

This veterinarian had just spoken the last words that he would say to me on my final day before moving towns and starting another job. As he walked away from me with tears in his eyes, the realization hit me. He was one of my “giants.” I had not gotten to where I was by myself. I began to think of all the influential people in my life and was astounded at how many I could count. From then on, I have made a mental list of my giants in order to give thanks to those who lift me up.

Three years ago, I saw in GON that a book had been published posthumously in memory of one of the beloved GON writers, Glen Solomon. Something about it intrigued me. I felt a strange pull toward the story, but when the book arrived by mail, I stuck it on my shelf with good intentions of reading it soon. Little did I know just how much this book would impact me. If so, I would have read it much sooner.

Georgia Rut Hunting Tactics With Glen Solomon

Several weeks ago, I picked up this particular book and thumbed through some of the pages. Then my eyes landed on a few sentences in the middle of the book that gave me chills. Coincidence? I think not.

This is what it said: “The primary reason I started outdoor writing was to store memories for my family to read in the future. I soon discovered another cause. Hopefully my writings create some excitement and enthusiasm for Georgia’s outdoors. We all need to somehow play a part in promoting our outdoor heritage.” 

Those words could have come straight from my mind. I began writing a short time ago for the same reasons. I felt a strong connection with this author, but I knew very little about him. With curiosity, I began reading at the beginning of the book. It did not take me long to realize that this author was unique in a powerful way. 

As I read his book, I was astounded at the wisdom and faith in the author’s words. Something about this book was different than any I had ever read, and I knew that it would stick with me for a long time. After I finished reading the book, I looked up other testimonies of this influential man and even listened to a podcast that he had done on deer hunting Georgia WMAs right before his death. I just couldn’t find anything bad about him. Now, this was a man’s man. This was a role model!

On The Road With Glen Solomon

The more I thought about this author, the more drawn I was toward his great influence. Regret began to creep into my mind… how I wish I could have met him! There was so much he could have taught me about hunting, fishing and most importantly about life. Then I remembered that I had his book and other articles to reference, and because he chose to write, he had the lasting effect to impact people long after he was gone. 

Even though I never had the privilege to meet this guy, I have added him to my list of giants. Why? Because he has inspired me to follow in his footsteps in a sense. To be passionate. To take time to do what you love. To love your family. To help people. And to love and serve God. He recognized that his life story was just a small part of God’s bigger plan and that others might use his story to go further. He has provided some mighty sturdy shoulders to stand on.

In parting words, I must address the author himself.

Thank you, Glen Solomon, for all the good you have done in this world and for making this boy taller. May your book, “Hunting on the Fly,” touch others as strongly as it did me.

Glen’s book is available on Amazon and Booksamillion.

Glen Solomon with a midday hog taken at Big Hammock WMA.  “Fresh sign was all over the area, but it was of little amount, just where one to three hogs pilfered through and wouldn’t return,” Glen wrote. “Apparently food was scarce, only to consist of worms, grubs, bugs, grass roots, rotten acorns, etc. They were surviving by constantly searching, meaning you had to get ahead of these hogs or walk your tail off until you bump into one. It took three morning hunts, but I finally gridded off enough ground to meet up with three of the ghosts alongside a slough rim, just shy of a thick bamboo run. August will be a lot better, as there will be a few early live oaks falling. Squirrels will start cutting in the tops of the other oaks (white, water and pin) that will soon drop on their own in September. Find those early acorn trees with cuttings or acorns under them. If there’s any hog sign, check morning, midday and evening. If no success on the oak trees, check the nearest palmetto patches (hill or swamp), high bluff banks along the river with willows and canegrass and the swampiest sections around the many interior oxbow lakes. The morning after a good thunderstorm is a great time to find hogs, as it blows acorns out the trees, and these rooters are easier to track.”

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  1. supercheyenne on December 18, 2022 at 8:55 am

    I was wondering who that veterinarian was?

    • Andrew Curtis on December 20, 2022 at 9:49 pm

      Sonny Odom of the former Dockery Williams Odom and Deriso vet clinic in Albany, Georgia.

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