Does COVID-19 have you cooped up at home staying socially distant from others? Take advantage of that down time by using QDMA’s online resources to learn more about the white-tailed deer, deer hunting and deer management. To make things a little easier during this difficult time, QDMA has decided to offer a temporary discount on our online Deer Steward 1 course. To take advantage of this offer, simply click on this registration link.
An all new and improved Deer Steward Level 1 course is now available, with an updated agenda infused with the latest in deer research and management advice, filmed by the award-winning producers of Heartland Bowhunter television.
Through a unique partnership with Clemson University, hunters who have a high-speed Internet connection will start the Deer Steward class online, making Level 1 both convenient and affordable. Once registered, attendees gain access to a digital recording of one of our previous Deer Steward Level 1 courses (filmed in front of a live audience) and will have up to 180 days to complete the series of six sessions (broken down into approximately 16 hours over 20 topics) at their own pace.

Instructors and Continuing Education
Speakers include:
- Kip Adams, Wildlife Biologist, QDMA’s Director of Conservation
- Joe Hamilton, Wildlife Biologist, QDMA’s Founder and Senior Advisor
- Dr. Craig Harper, Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist, University of Tennessee
- Dr. Karl V. Miller, Professor, University of Georgia
- Brian Murphy, Wildlife Biologist
- Matt Ross, Wildlife Biologist and Forester, QDMA Assistant Director of Conservation
Just like the in-person Deer Steward course, registrants must pass an exam to graduate, and continuing education credits from either the Society of American Foresters and/or The Wildlife Society are available. In addition, QDMA is proud to also announce that Level 1 is now compliant with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Graduates of online Deer Steward will be eligible to take one of the in-person Level 2 courses upon completion.
Download the Online Deer Steward 1 Registration Form
Once the application has been processed by the QDMA, the registrant will receive a unique username and password, as well as instructions on how to log onto the online Deer Steward system.
Active Duty Military in Combat Zones can click here to obtain a registration form to take the course free-of-charge.
$250 $225 Non-QDMA Members (includes a QDMA membership)
$225 $200 Regular QDMA Members
$200 $175 QDMA Life Members, Sponsor Members and Corporate Sponsors, Partners and Supporters
FREE for Active Military in Combat Zones
Online fees increase $50 per level with Continuing Forestry Education (CFE) credits. Cost includes instruction and a course certificate.
If you have any questions regarding the online Deer Steward course please contact Matt Ross, QDMA Assistant Director of Conservation, Phone: 518-391-8414