OTG P&Y Buck With Crazy Hunt Story
Hunter gets 10 yards from rut-crazed buck, misses first shot, able to nock second arrow...
Andrew Curtis | December 13, 2023

Tom Hart with a nice 10-pointer from Sumter County that came with a crazy OTG (on the ground) hunt story.
Tom Hart has a story that many people will not believe. His first ever bow buck and soon-to-be Pope & Young came in a most unpredictable way.
Thanksgiving week, Tom drove his family down from South Carolina to hunt at the family farm in Sumter County. The morning hunt on Nov. 22 did not start out as planned. Tom could not locate the ground blind in the darkness, so he opted to still hunt in the woods with his bow, keeping low expectations. After a little while of seeing only a doe and fawn, he decided to ease over to a cut soybean field where his uncle had recently spotted a nice buck. Seeing no deer, Tom began walking in the open field, and to his surprise, a doe burst out of the woods about 100 yards away and ran straight for him. On her heels was the largest buck he had ever seen. The doe spotted Tom and cut back toward the woodline. The buck followed, but then, just at the woods, he paused to aggressively work a scrape, distractedly raking his antlers in the branches above while pawing the ground. Tom, still out in the wide open, watched in awe as a smaller 10-point came running into view to challenge the larger 10-point. The two bucks fought fiercely and were so engaged in the battle that they never saw Tom as he stood exposed and upright in the field.
Tom quickly made up his mind to sprint with bow in hand directly toward the two dueling bucks. Ten yards from the bucks, Tom shakily drew back his bow while trying to catch his breath from the long run and excitement of the moment. The arrow sailed under the larger buck and sank harmlessly into the ground beyond.
The two bucks never looked up but kept fighting. Tom frantically reached for a second arrow but realized he had grabbed one with a practice field tip. He quickly threw it aside and reached for another arrow, only to have a 4-point run out of the woods straight toward him. The little buck turned and quickly left the scene, and Tom finally nocked another arrow (with a broadhead), drew back, and this time sank his arrow through the buck to get a clean, double-lung pass-through shot.
The giant 10-point disengaged from the fight and ran 30 yards before crumpling to the ground. The smaller 10-point, thinking that he was the victor, chased after the larger deer and pranced proudly around the body before exiting the field.
Tom’s first bow buck was an absolute trophy, sporting a beautiful, clean 10-point rack. Good luck to Tom to ever beat that hunting story!
Sumter County Best Bow Bucks Of All-Time
Rank | Score | Name | Year | County | Method | Photo |
1 | 150 1/8 | Shan Akin | 2023 | Sumter | Bow | View |
2 | 149 7/8 | Shea Lamb | 2017 | Sumter | Bow | View |
3 | 148 1/8 | Paul Heidrich Jr. | 2011 | Sumter | Bow | View |
4 | 146 5/8 | John Pullen | 2020 | Sumter | Bow | View |
5 | 145 | Buck Clements | 2013 | Sumter | Bow | View |
6 | 143 6/8 | Buck Clements | 2020 | Sumter | Bow | View |
7 | 141 2/8 | Jess McNeill | 2020 | Sumter | Bow | View |
8 | 140 6/8 | Shan Akin | 2018 | Sumter | Bow | |
9 | 140 3/8 | Rob Fletcher | 2001 | Sumter | Bow | |
10 | 140 1/8 | Shan Akin | 2017 | Sumter | Bow |
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