Bear Hunting
Normally, this is a period fraught with chaos. Never mind the ever-present and who-knows-how-deep black water, claustrophobic brush, vines and briers clawing and ripping; just hurry as best you can. Hounds are roaring out of their minds, hunters sloshing, tripping, bleeding, pushing on… Because some 987 interminable yards into the Okefenokee Swamp, a bear is…
The temperature was a crisp 38 degrees, the wind was still, and the skies were partly cloudy as the sun rose across middle Georgia for the annual one-day bear hunt in Houston, Twiggs, Bibb and Bleckley counties. The good weather meant the bears should be moving, and Sam Land, of Swainsboro, was patiently sitting in…
By Steve Platek After completing the morning chores—cooking breakfast, tending to the dog and getting the wife and kids off to their respective destinations, I packed the truck with my hang-on stand, my longbow and my rifle. I was hoping to cross paths with a nice 8-point mountain buck I had on trail camera but…
By Barden Revelle Some days you can do no wrong. Some days everything goes wrong. This tale is a mixture of both. The end product is really what matters. Picture in your mind the second Saturday of Georgia deer season in the year 1991. It is before daylight in Paulding County. I’m drinking black coffee in…
Editor’s Note: Rosmarie Kelly, PhD MPH is a Public Health Entomologist on the Vector-Borne & Zoonotic Diseases Team working for the Georgia Department of Public Health. Kelly was at the Oaky Woods WMA check station collecting tick data from harvested bears during the one-day middle Georgia bear season on Dec. 18. The Department of Public…
The annual one-day bear hunt on private lands in Houston, Twiggs, Bleckley and Bibb counties was held on Dec. 18, and this year six bears were brought to the Oaky Woods check station. New for 2021, Bleckley County was added to the list of bear hunting counties, so now bear hunting is allowed on the…
Bleckley County: Wild hogs have been deemed public enemy No. 1. Efforts to reduce their numbers range from federal invasive species dollars being spent on helicopter snipers to hunters using high-dollar night-vision weapons. If you’re going after hogs at night in bear country, be careful, as a pair of hunters in Bleckley County found out…
This bear-dragging business just ain’t what it used to be. For some reason or other, the last couple of years seem to have brought about either a decided increase in dead weight or a similarly marked decrease in my back’s desire to heave-ho for even a mile or three. Not that we’re talking actual highway…
Hunters in Dade County have a new public hunting location available this season. The Charles B. Henson Voluntary Public Access (VPA) area is a 786-acre piece of property located near Trenton that will open to hunters beginning Nov. 1, 2021, according to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division (WRD). Dade County is…
A large male black bear entered a campsite just after midnight this morning and attacked a 16-year-old girl who was sleeping in a hammock. The girl’s four family members who were sleeping nearby were able to drive the bear away, but not before the girl received multiple injuries, including head lacerations, according to a news…