A 3-Generation Muzzleloader Slam For The Davis Family
The Davis family hunting album will need a few pages for this impressive morning in the Polk County deer woods.
GON Staff | January 1, 2008

Three generations of Davis hunters scored on muzzleloader bucks on the morning of Oct. 13. The lucky hunters are (from left) Roy Davis of Acworth, his grandson, 11-year-old Dakota, and Dakota’s dad, Mike of Crandall.
On Oct. 13, 2007, three generations of Davis hunters, grandfather Roy, his son Mike, and Mike’s son Dakota, each shot a buck with a muzzleloader on a hunting club in Polk County. For Roy, it was his first muzzleloader buck, and Dakota’s 4-pointer was the first deer he’d ever killed. “Mike and Dakota were hunting from a buddy stand in an area of pines,” said Tom Harrington.
Tom, a fellow club member on the 580-acre tract, sent the unique story and photos to GON.
“The deer stepped out at 8 o’clock, and Dakota shot the 4-pointer,” said Tom.
It ran a little ways and piled up. The two got down, reloaded the gun and walked over to the buck.
“They walked up, and this other buck goes streaking out through there,” said Tom. “Mike shoots and drops it.”
Mike’s buck, his first with this particular rifle, was a 3-pointer.
“Meanwhile in another area at 9:10, not too far from where Mike and Dakota were, the grandfather (Roy) gets a shot on a 4-pointer,” said Tom. “He’s never shot a deer with a muzzle- loader, and he misses the deer. He reloads, the smoke clears and the deer is still standing there. He pulls up, shoots and doesn’t miss that time.”
The Davis men were a hit in camp.
“They were the hottest thing going,” said Tom. “It was just unbelievable. Three generations all killed a deer with a muzzleloader on the same morning in the same club. What are the odds on something like that happening? Somebody said we ought to send this to GON, and I thought that was a fabulous idea.”
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