IGFA Awards New Junior World Record Redfish To Brunswick Boy
His arms “felt like noodles” but Graham Lewis prevailed in catching the new world record redfish in IGFA’s Junior Division.
Brad Gill | December 27, 2023

Graham Lewis, a 10-year-old from Brunswick, has the IGFA “All-Tackle Length Junior” record for redfish with this 105-cm fish.
Graham Lewis, a 10-year-old from Brunswick, recently caught a youth-division,world-record redfish from the surf on Saint Simons Island. The catch took place Sept. 24 and was just processed by the International Game Fish Association. The fished measured 105 cm (41.3 inches) to the fork.
“A bunch of people at school have been asking me if I was the one who caught the world-record redfish, which makes me feel proud because not many kids get to be in the newspaper,” said Graham.
The IGFA houses records for a number of different species and classes. Graham’s world record falls under the “All Tackle (Length) World Records” and then the “All-Tackle Length Junior” division. His name now appears at,%20red.
On the morning of the catch, Graham rolled out of bed at 6 a.m. because the night before he told his dad, “I don’t want you to catch the big one.”
Graham’s dad Tom is the founder of Kids Can Fish Foundation Inc., and the father-and-son duo were pre-fishing for the Saint Simons Island – Running of the Bulls Charity Redfish Tournament, hosted by Tom’s organization. Graham was fishing freshly cut mullet on an 11-foot Team Rainshadow surf rod and a Florida Fishing Products Resolute 6000 spinning reel. His main line was 50-lb. PowerPro, and his leader was 200-lb. test tied to a 9/0 Gamakatsu circle hook.
“Graham fought the fish for approximately six minutes,” said Tom.
Fighting a fish in the surf for that long comes with a price.
“After I caught the fish, my arms felt like noodles, but after I caught it, I felt like a proud champ,” said Graham.
Champ is a good word since the fish was world-record worthy.
“Once landed, we knew Graham’s personal-best redfish was caught. An official IGFA measuring device was used and the main line, leader and hook were submitted. The IGFA officially recognized the record on Nov. 16. This is Graham’s first IGFA record.”
The 10-year-old is an avid angler, fishing residential bass ponds to offshore excursions from Saint Simons. Except for larger sharks, Graham’s previous largest fish was a red snapper, but he’s very proud of the 7.9-lb. largemouth he caught a few years ago using a Texas-rigged worm. Graham continues to grow and learn as an angler and looks forward to boating trips with his family and friends.
Catch Wintertime Skinny Water Redfish
“That one fish encouraged me to go out with my dad and fish for more bull reds,” said Graham.
We look for big outdoor things from Graham in the future.
“There’s nothing more rewarding than fishing with your kids, and to see one of them catch a very special fish is a memory we will cherish forever,” said Tom.
Editor’s Note: Graham released the fish after a few quick photos. Redfish may only be kept if they are between 14 and 23 inches total length.
GON Kids Calendar-March 2024 | ||||
Date | Event | Location | Contact | |
3/16 | Kids’ Fishing Event | Dougherty Co., Chehaw Park | 229.430.5275 | |
3/16 | S.H.A.R.P. Turkey | Jasper Co. Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center | [email protected] | |
3/22-24 | 30-30 Ministries Striper Camp | West Point Lake | | |
3/22-24 | 30-30 Ministries Trout Camp | Soque River | | |
3/22-24 | 30-30 Ministries Turkey Camp | White County | | |
3/22-24 | 30-30 Ministries Turkey Camp | Houston County | | |
3/22-24 | 30-30 Ministries Turkey Camp | Troup County | | |
3/23-24 | Youth Turkey Weekend | Statewide, Private Lands | | |
3/30 | Kids’ Fishing Event | Bartow Co., Manning Mill Lake | 678.654.9286 | |
3/30 | S.H.A.R.P. Falconry | Jasper Co. Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center | [email protected] |
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