
Lake Worth

Lake Worth, also known as Lake Chehaw, is a small reservoir at the confluence of the Flint River, Kinchafoonee Creek and Muckalee Creek. The concrete Flint River Dam was built in 1908 for hydroelectric generation and is owned by Georgia Power today. Lake Chehaw is very riverine and shallow with average depths of 17 feet. In winter, the lake is drawn down nearly 10 feet in anticipation of flooding spring rains. In the Flood of 1994, the lake overflowed its banks and the dam itself was underwater at one point.

Lake Worth/Chehaw Resources

Georgia Fishing Articles

West Point Bass Beat The August Heat

You might think it’s too hot to go fishing, or that this time of year thunderstorms may run you off the lake. But the largemouth and spotted bass at West Point are feeding both shallow and deep. Anglers can catch quality largemouth on topwater around shallow wood and grass, and both species can be patterned…

88 Pound Clarks Hill Flathead!

A flathead catfish weighing 88 pounds on certified scales was recently caught from Clarks Hill Lake by Blake White, of Keysville. The fish was caught on a bush hook and can’t be recognized as either a state or lake record. However, it’s a giant fish that GON is excited to share. “I told my wife…

BASS Moves High School Event To Hartwell

The Mossy Oak Fishing Bassmaster High School Series at Lake St. Clair presented by Academy Sports + Outdoors and the Mossy Oak Fishing Bassmaster Junior Series, both originally scheduled for Aug. 8, will instead be held on Lake Hartwell Aug. 30, 2020. Guidelines in the state of Michigan issued on July 9 limit the size…

She’s Hooked On Fishing

“Hey, you want to go fishing tomorrow?” “I do, but I need to check with my wife first.” How many times have you had this conversation with a friend? What if it was your wife, not your buddy, who was asking to go fishing? Recently, I discovered another reason I am a fortunate man. My wife…

Data Needed During Georgia’s Short Red Snapper Season

The Coastal Resources Division (CRD) of Georgia DNR is seeking help from recreational saltwater anglers in collecting data during the upcoming red snapper harvest season July 10-12 and July 17. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is allowing the harvest of one red snapper per person per day in federal waters at least 3…

Record Fish Lake Worth Upstream To Blackshear Dam

White Crappie2-lbs., 0-ozs.Angelo Feros01/14/2013
Shoal Bass8-lbs., 5-ozs.Clark Wheeler04/16/2022