
Lake Worth

Lake Worth, also known as Lake Chehaw, is a small reservoir at the confluence of the Flint River, Kinchafoonee Creek and Muckalee Creek. The concrete Flint River Dam was built in 1908 for hydroelectric generation and is owned by Georgia Power today. Lake Chehaw is very riverine and shallow with average depths of 17 feet. In winter, the lake is drawn down nearly 10 feet in anticipation of flooding spring rains. In the Flood of 1994, the lake overflowed its banks and the dam itself was underwater at one point.

Lake Worth/Chehaw Resources

Georgia Fishing Articles

Oostanaula River Record Longnose Gar

Alan W. Short caught the 13-lb., 15.2-oz. river-record longnose gar while fishing the Oostanaula River on May 17, 2010.

Lanier’s Forgotten Crappie

The sound and aroma of crappie fillets sizzling in hot oil is enough to make just about anyone salivate. But, when someone mentions Lake Lanier, it often brings to mind huge striped bass and plentiful spotted bass, not crappie. However, under the countless docks on the lake, there are tons of black and white crappie…

The Almighty Fluke

  It really is a simple fishing lure. It doesn’t require a high degree of skill to make a fish eat one, and right now — with a strong postspawn bite happening on most Georgia waters — it can be one of the most productive and versatile weapons in your arsenal. It will catch bass…

Lake Weiss Bass Shallow And Hungry

Big bass feeding in shallow water this month makes it an excellent time to go fishing. You can catch them on a wide variety of patterns and baits, and they are about as active as they get all year long. Weiss Lake offers one of the best lakes to explore different patterns and catch quality…

Chattahoochee River Cats Caught Deep In The Holes

When Shane Smith moved to Fort Benning, he brought with him a love of fishing — catfishing to be precise. An Ohio native, Shane and his brother established a catfish tournament trail a few years back called Hilljack Catfishing that was designed for avid catfishermen to compete and promote conservation. Shane is Capt. Shane Smith…

Record Fish Lake Worth Upstream To Blackshear Dam

White Crappie2-lbs., 0-ozs.Angelo Feros01/14/2013
Shoal Bass8-lbs., 5-ozs.Clark Wheeler04/16/2022