Catfish Fishing
Crossroads Baptist Church held their latest “God’s Great Outdoors Ministries” event April 24-25 at Lake Oconee. In an effort to share God’s word in the great outdoors, they hosted “Jugging For Jesus,” a youth catfish jugging trip, where 30 kids caught more than 400 catfish. “The success of this jugging trip was absolutely incredible,” said…
The first fish bit quickly, hitting the severed bream head soon after it struck bottom. A brief, drag-squealing battle ensued, but the feisty flathead was soon subdued, finding itself no match for a reel loaded with 40-lb. mono. The beast emerged from the green deeps, savage and primitive looking with mud-colored skin shimmering in the sun. It was a nice catfish, but mere small fry…
The first fish bit quickly, hitting the severed bream head soon after it struck bottom. A brief, drag-squealing battle ensued, but the feisty flathead was soon subdued, finding itself no match for a reel loaded with 40-lb. mono. The beast emerged from the green deeps, savage and primitive-looking with mud-colored skin shimmering in the sun.…
Living on Lake Blackshear, Mike Bullington used to be involved in the bass-tournament scene, but an unusual pattern he discovered three years ago while fishing for deep bass has turned him into a catfish angler for a couple months each year. That pattern landed him the new lake-record appaloosa (flathead) catfish on Nov. 2, 2008,…
The Savannah River near Augusta continues to churn out new river-record fish — the latest a whopper 3-lb. shellcracker. New records have also been recently established for flathead catfish on Allatoona, rainbow trout at Lake Burton and brown trout on the new Toccoa River listing. For information on GON’s lake and river records, call (800)…
Sandy Sanders, of Canton, caught this 44-inch-long flathead catfish from Lake Allatoona on June 20, 2008. The catfish, weighed on certified scales at Bart’s Bait & Tackle, weighed 35-lbs., 10.88-ozs., and fills a vacant lake-record slot for Allatoona.
When an angler thinks of West Point Lake, perhaps the first things that come to mind are the vast hybrid bass runs each spring or the heavy bass-tournament sacks. However, there is a burgeoning new fishery up the Chattahoochee arm of the lake. Flathead catfish have staked a claim in deep holes on the northeast…
The High Falls lake record for flathead catfish stands at 60 pounds. When that record is broken, you can expect to see the name Jonathan Herndon of Jackson installed as the new lake-record flathead angler. Jonathan, who specializes in catching giant catfish, has set his sights on breaking that record. Jonathan is an avid participant…
On May 12, 2008, Travis Wilson, of Riverdale, was fishing for catfish in the Ocmulgee River just below the Lake Jackson dam when a big one hit. The fish weighed 33-lbs., 8-ozs. and establishes a channel catfish record for the river. The fish hit a chicken liver.
On Christmas day evening, Tyler Dodson, 15, of Carrollton was fishing for catfish in a 23-acre lake behind his family’s house. For bait he had mixed chili with jalapenos, sloppy-joe mix, red kidney beans and Primo catfish bait. He poured the concoction into a piece of pantyhose laced with a 5/0 hook. The bait was…
Catfish Recipes
Smoked Catfish Dip We had some company coming over to watch some football recently and my wife asked me to pick up an appetizer at the grocery store. A smoked fish dip sounded nice, so I checked out the offerings at Publix. It was $8.99 for a small tub of dip, and I would probably…
I caught six small catfish recently and realized after cleaning them I had no peanut oil. It was late, so I decided to blacken them with Cajun spices instead of frying them. They were incredible. But trust me, don’t try this inside the house! Catfish fillets, skinned 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon garlic powder…
I must admit, I first thought putting catfish in a taco might result in my man card being revoked. For me, fried or blackened catfish was the only way to go. I was pleasantly shocked just how good a catfish taco is. I plan to make my own next time when my buddies aren’t around…