
Bass Fishing

Juliette Bass In The Fall Grass

Lake Juliette is hard to beat for October bass. It is a pretty, 3,600-acre Georgia Power Co. lake between Macon and Atlanta, just east of Forsyth and I-75. The water is clear and full of grass, and the bass move into it in shallow water this month to feed. The action can be fast, and…

Cheating Summer, Up The River For West Point Bass

Those of you who have been pursuing bass on Georgia lakes through the hot summer months know just how tough summertime bass fishing can be. Soaring air and water temperatures seem to combine to make the fish lethargic and action scarce. While higher-than-average rainfall amounts and lower-than-normal average temperatures have made this summer better than…

Lanier Bass Up The River

Tired of rocking and rolling over boat wakes while probing deep brush as you hope a bass will bite at Lake Lanier? There is an alternative way to fish, one that puts you on smaller water with fewer boats, and it produces quality fish. The Chattahoochee River up near the Lula Bridge is one such…

Hunt Hydrilla For Clarks Hill Nighttime Bass In August

During some August days, Clarks Hill’s 72,000 acres of water seem devoid of bass. The heat shimmering off the water makes you miserable, and catching a bass to improve your mood seems impossible. But, if you wait until late afternoon and nighttime to fish, you will be more comfortable and the bass will magically appear…

Lake Horton’s Offshore Grassbeds For Split-Shot Bass

The bass hit the junebug split-shot Trick Worm in about 6 feet of water, and when Mike Meason set the hook the fish came straight up out of the water like a Polaris missile. The 4-pounder cleared the surface by at least a foot, then splashed back into the water broadside, nearly on its back.…

Paradise PFA Bass Great For 2003

Paradise Public Fishing Area (PFA) is still and always will be one of the jewels of Georgia’s PFA program, even if its glory days of monster-bass fame are history for now. But this spring the PFA is well on its way to reclaiming that honor. When Paradise PFA was first purchased by the state in 1989,…

Lake Lanier Neglected Largemouth

What’s this? A bass article on Lake Lanier that focuses on largemouths? Virtually every bit of press having to do with bass fishing on Lanier over the last couple of years has focused on the growing spotted bass population in this famous body of water north of Atlanta, and with good reason. A number of…

Dodge PFA Throwing Lunker Bass

Dave Partridge, of Albany, is a senior biologist with DNR Fisheries who had never seen Dodge County Public Fishing Area until February, 2003. He was impressed and decided to come back the next weekend. The results of Dave’s fishing over two days, February 8 and 9, included largemouths weighing (in pounds-ounces) 11-14, 10-1, 8-14 and…

Fishing Delayed At Bear Creek Reservoir

Georgia anglers eager to fish for F-1 hybrid largemouths stocked into Bear Creek Reservoir in Jackson County are going to have to wait a little longer. The 550-acre water-supply lake was originally projected to open for fishing March 1, 2003. But due to security concerns spawned by the September 11 attacks, opening the lake to…

Spinnerbait Magic

As water temperatures finally climb into the mid 50s, more and more bass anglers will be removing the cover from their bass boats, filling up their tanks and heading to the lake. The next three months will be a fun time to be a fisherman. It’s just so much fun to catch a bass when…