Bass Fishing
There are some new fish in West Point Lake—41,264 to be exact. The DNR on May 12 stocked the lake with largemouth bass grown in a hatchery in Richmond Hill, near Savannah, according to Brent Hess, a fisheries biologist with DNR. “This is the first time we’ve ever done that, except for when it opened,”…
All spring we have enjoyed catching bass in shallow water, but June has anglers thinking deep on many lakes. Warming water makes bass head to the deeper summer structure and cover, and following the bass to deeper water is usually the best bet. However, a trip to Eufaula in June can offer the best of…
Kristen Brown caught a 10-oz. shadow bass on the Flint River on June 1, 2016, and in doing so Kristen established a new species that is now recognized for record status in Georgia. Kristen, of Baconton, set a new state record for shadow bass, catching the 9 1/4-inch fish on the Flint River in Albany.…
If you want to catch a lot of bass on a beautiful lake with a natural shoreline and clear water, head to Lake Russell. Just make sure you keep some small spotted bass for a fish fry! Lake Russell is a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lake on the Savannah River between Hartwell and Clarks…
Bass-tournament partners Jake Andrew and Jace Garrett, from Bremen High School, recently brought home their first tournament win at the Georgia B.A.S.S. Nation fishing tournament held at Lake Sinclair on May 14. Jake, who is a senior, has been fishing competitively since he was a 15. For his final season, he was paired with…
There’s an old saying, usually attributed to Confucius, which goes something like, “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you’ve fed him for a lifetime.” There’s an important life lesson in that simple statement, but sometimes it can be hard to walk the talk and put…
As we cranked up the Yamaha 225, we started off across the lake just as the sun was peaking over the horizon. It was a cold, crisp morning, and the wind was just beginning to kick up. The sound of geese honking and other waterfowl filled the air with what was an otherwise quiet morning.…
A great recipe for bass fishing would be to start with Clarks Hill, add in the month of May, stir in blueback herring, and you have action that is hard to beat. Clarks Hill has always been a spring favorite of bass fishermen, and the introduction and expansion of blueback herring has made the May…
May is a great time to be a bass fisherman. The topwater bite is great, and there is no more exciting way to catch bass than to watch fish explode on surface lures. While topwater is fun, you can catch bass just about any way you want to fish. If you want to get away…