February Trout Fly Hatches
Hatch chart for freestone streams
The Ole Rabunite | January 30, 2007

Blue Wing Olive
Insect: None at all
Time of Month: All month
Time of Day: All day
Match: Dredging nymphs: 12-16 Prince, Hare’s Ear, etc.
Insect: Winter Black Stonefly
Time of Month: All month
Time of Day: Late AM to Mid PM
Match: 18-20 black elk-hair caddis or Griffith’s Gnat; 16-18 black stonefly nymph or pheasant tail
Insect: Small Dun Caddis
Time of Month: Late
Time of Day: Late AM to Mid PM
Match: 18 brown elk- or deer-hair caddis; 18 Hare’s Ear
Insect: Blue-winged Olive & Blue Quill
Time of Month: Late
Time of Day: Late AM to Mid PM
Match: 16-20 BWO, Blue Quill or Adams Parachute; 16-20 BWO nymph or pheasant tail
Insect: Quill Gordon
Time of Month: Late
Time of Day: Late AM to Mid PM
Match:12-14 Quill Gordon; 12-14 Quill Gordon nymph
Insect: Midges
Time of Month: All month
Time of Day: All day
Match: 18-22 Griffith’s Gnat; 18-22 Midge Pupa
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