Lake Hartwell Fishing Report – March 2019
GON Staff | February 26, 2019
Hartwell: Level:2.7 feet high. Temp: 50-60 degrees. Clarity: Mostly stained.
Bass: Guide Matthew Justice reports, “Right now the largemouth and spotted bass are holding on staging areas around docks, points and secondary points. The fish are biting jigs, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, swimbaits and underspins, depending on water clarity. Fishing the submerged grass with chartreuse spinnerbaits in dirty water can produce. Look for schooling activity. Swimbaits and jigs can produce well in cleaner water. Expect fish to move on beds once water temps stabilize around 60-62 degrees.”
Linesides: Guide Preston Harden reports, “I like to fish afternoons in March. The water warms throughout the day, and the fish move to the shallow windblown banks to warm. They like to eat small shad imitations worked slowly. Some big fish will be caught pulling big gizzard. We catch lots of fish casting small flukes on small jig heads. We cast to the banks like we are bass fishing.”
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