
Lake Eufaula Fishing Report – November 2021

GON Staff | October 28, 2021

Eufaula: Level: 2 feet below 190 full pool. Temp: Low to mid 70s. Clarity: Muddy to stained, but gradually getting better.

Bass: Guide Sam Williams reports, “The 7-plus inches of rain up north last week has brought a lot of water, debris and floating logs down river. The river was as high as 191 and dropped 3 feet in five days. The fish are now settling down again, and the shad are moving back into the grass and cover areas. The bass are moving in on this shad activity. The Trick Worms and weightless Senkos are doing well in these areas. Plum, purple and watermelon candy are good color choices on Eufaula this time of year. In the dirtier water, use red shad, tomato seed and colors like that. Rat-L-Traps and bladed jigs are always a good bet in these areas, as well. If you locate bank areas with grass patches with outside grass and pad patches, work through these areas all the way from the bank to the boat. Watch your lure as you lift it from the water, the bass have been following it all the way in. If you begin to get short strikes and the back of your bait is gone, rig a stinger hook and make it weedless so it comes through the grass and cover. You will see your hookset ratio increase. If you are getting a lot of misses on your lipless bait, slow it down or change from a chrome color. The chrome reflects like a mirror and they strike behind it most of the time. If you are foul hooking fish, this is the reason most of the time. The deeper bass are still scattered on cover and structure. Slowly worked Carolina rigs are working as well, as are deep-diving crankbaits. Shad and bluegill colors are doing better in cleaner water. Worm rattles in the Carolina rigs are getting attention, as well.”

Crappie: “The crappie are scattered on the ledge cover in 12 to 20 feet of water,” said Sam Williams. “Minnows are the trick here. The cleaner the water, the better the crappie see the bait above them.”

Catfish: “The catfish are still eating cutbait, nightcrawlers and shad,” Sam said. “Bottom fishing is OK, but the jugs are working better. Since they are pulling water so fast right now, you do better in the creeks where you can keep the jugs corralled up so they do not get too far downstream. The cooler weather is going to make for some comfortable days on the water with families making awesome memories. It is always great to see God’s creatures flying and eating on the river. There are plenty of ospreys to watch, and we are seeing a lot more eagles north of the 82 causeway now. Be safe and be aware of logs still floating form the heavy rains.” 

Note: Sam said, “Check out to sign up for the newsletter and keep up to date with our upcoming online ticket sales and auctions on many great items, such as Henry Golden Boy rifles, a blackpowder gun, a crossbow and many other items we have had donated to help us reach our goals for Niemann-Pick Disease Research and Darby’s Warrior Support.”

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