Scrapbook – February 2024
Reader Contributed | February 3, 2024
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Austin Stanley and a buddy were prospecting last season in Burke County when they got one to gobble. They called in this 20-lb. gobbler with three hens. It had 1 1/4-inch spurs. Nice vintage hat!

Hoss John, Chris and Hank with 11 wild hogs trapped in Turner County. “They made some good BBQ!” said Chris Powers.

Taylor High, a GON member from Americus, killed this big 9-point buck on Nov. 1 while hunting in Sumter County.

Ted Clarke caught this 45-lb. catfish on the Ocmulgee River near Hazlehurst while running limb lines Aug. 26.

Subscriber David Black, of Gainesville, shot this Hall County 8-pointer Dec. 21.

This Sumter County 15-point buck was killed by David Byrd, of Americus, on Oct. 29. It’s entered in Week 8 of the Truck-Buck contest.

Opening day of bow season in Clayton County near the Flint River started off unexpectedly for Rodney Whitt when he arrowed this big boar hog. Rodney said this wasn’t the biggest one in the group.

Bailey Chitwood, of Cornelia, with his Lincoln County 9-pointer taken on Nov. 3 after it chased a doe into a food plot.

This 9-lb. Paradise PFA bass was caught and released by legendary shooting sports coach David Haire, of Waterloo.

James Fuller and his son Timothy, of Henry County, with a Christmas Day bobcat, the first bobcat they’ve ever caught while trapping.

Mansfield’s Emily Odum with her Newton County 11-pointer killed Nov. 1.

The Sugar Creek arm of Lake Oconee produced this 27-lb. blue catfish for Joshua Moubray, of Loganville.

Lee Ledbetter, of Flowery Branch, shot this 8-pointer Oct. 21 in Lincoln County.

An Oct. 23 hunt in Jenkins County produced this 9-point buck for Kevin Carine, of Middleburg, Fla.

Bret Rudeseal, of Sharpsburg, got this Screven County 8-pointer on Oct. 28 as it was following a doe and grunting.

Cannon Newberry, of Macon, got this Jones County 18-pointer during an annual camp weekend with multiple families on Jones County land where some have been hunting since the 1960s.

GON member Tim Shadwick, of Dalton, shot this 20 2/8-inch side Murray County 8-point buck on Dec. 30.

This Carroll County 10-point buck was taken on Nov. 2 by John Scott, of Bremen.

Surf fishing at McQueens Inlet on St. Catherine’s Island produced this 28-inch redfish for Hal Gracen.

Here’s a Week 8 Truck-Buck entry for Eugene Eavenson, of Warner Robins. Eugene killed the 8-pointer in Crawford County on Nov. 1.
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