Scrapbook – December 2023
Reader Contributed | December 3, 2023
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Brinley Doss, of Madison, killed this buck on Nov. 7 in Morgan County.

Longtime GON subscriber Andrew Foster, of Canton, with an old bruiser 6-point he killed with his bow on Oct. 30. Andrew was hunting in north Fulton County near the Cherokee line.

The Edge ladies—Michelle on the left, Maddie Rae in the middle, and Anna on the right—after a great opening day of gun season. They were hunting the family fish farm, Edge’s Aquatic Services, in Treutlen County. The next day Ethan Edge got his first crossbow kill (below).

Wayne Garney, a native of Miller County, with a big Lake Seminole blue catfish caught on a noodle. Wayne put in at Trails End Marina and went up the Chattahoochee River to a deep hole to drop his pool noodles. He landed a 25-lb. blue cat after 10 minutes. When it was time to pack up, one of the noodles went down and out of site. Wayne thought it was a big cat or gator and maybe stuck under a log. While finishing packing up, he spotted it up the river about 400 yards away. The big blue pulled a No Lie fish scale to 44.81 pounds.

Dawson Holland, of Jasper, and his dad Jason with Dawson’s Marion County 8-point buck killed on Nov. 11.

Hunt Advisor Keith Ingram with a Madison County double-bearded gobbler with 1-inch spurs taken May 6.

Byron Story, of Newborn, with his Henry County bow-buck shot from the ground at 5 yards. The 8-point was in full rut on Nov. 3.

Chris Floyd, of Sharpsburg, was deer hunting when this coyote passed by 30 yards from the stand.

James Thomann (right) and his son Jamie, both of Douglasville, with the Carroll County 10-pointer killed by James the morning of Nov. 3.

Jacob Butler, of Jackson County, with his first bow-buck and first 10-pointer, killed this season on Oct. 8.

This huge Hart County wild hog was killed by Mason Gomez during a recent hunt with Lights Out Predator Removal. The boar weighed 365.9 pounds.

Madison Dooley, 16, with her first deer, a 4-point buck taken while hunting with her mom in Jasper County on Oct. 15.

Redlands WMA in Greene County produced this 8-pointer for Ryan Timms, of Bethlehem, during an Oct. 26 hunt.

Buckhead’s Keith Rolick with a Dodge County 11-point buck killed on Nov. 3.

Tamara Kitchens landed this big Lake Varner bass while fishing with a kid’s Paw Patrol fishing pole.

Mason Hall, of Kite, was able to get this buck Oct. 24 in Emanuel County. His dad Josh hunted him five times, and Mason climbed the stand once and got it done. Josh was one proud dad!

This Douglas County 9-pointer was 30 seconds behind a doe on Nov. 9 when Jimmy Blair, of Douglasville, shot the tall-tined buck.

Don’t think of Oconee as a yellow perch lake, but some are in there. This 11-oz. fish caught by John Moore, of Eatonton, on Feb. 27 established a benchmark lake record.

Joel Anderson, of Dallas, shot this 9-point buck in 2021 in Jefferson County.